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Obama or McCain?

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personally i think american politics really sucks! only corrupted.democrasy ha ha!

Definately Obama is more sympathic guy but is he the better politician ????? so i would vote for Obama Smile

Obama !

Obama FTW!

Really dont want any of them But since hillary clinton is out i have to go with obama.
I dont know why but i think the democrats can create some more peace in the world then the republicans

RON PAUL Big Smile Big Smile

Pretty bad when this is our choices a muslim and a elderly!! Obama's real name is berry, he does not put his hand on his heart and he took the flag off his presidential plan. McCain is projected to live 8.25 yrs. and has no idea of the middle class.

I think we need HELP

Aww crap!

Edited by shipit (06 October 2008 @ 23:19 GMT)

mcain will the preserve the morales of the americans who still have them i will be voting for mcain absolutly

At the moment Obama is leading by 5 to 9 percent, plus: he is leading in all three key states, Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania. Since 1960 nobody became president who did not win in 2 of these 3 states.

Theres some time left, but at the moment Obama is leading by far.
Although I doubt that hes gonna be able to stop the decline of power of the US.

Mc Cain seems to have played all his good cards, POW, soccer-mom-for-vice-president and activating the christian right.

But he cant bring up a concept against the fear of the middle-class and lower middle-class to lose jobs and houses.Every day of declining stock-markets and a collapsing real-estate market helps Obama. The US and the UK have abused their Middle-class for too long I think, theyre revolting by voting the republicans out of office. Now Mc Cain has to take a punch that was originally directed at Bush and his administration.

Funnily you can see that the people in Great Britain are punishing the Labour government for the same thing. The last elections on the local level came close to a political earthquake.
And probably were next here in Germany to experience a huge shift in the political landscape. I hope so at least. Go social democrats! Down with Angela Merkel.

Edited by Divinitas (07 October 2008 @ 05:59 GMT)

mcain is like bush... so i vot obama!!

Honestly, I would say anyone but McCain, rather have Bush for another term. But I rather like Obama so if I were american he would definatly have my vote. I would like to see more diversity in American politics though.

Given teh choice, obama but if he gets into power and lives a year I will be suprised. The are just too many hicks with shotguns in the US! Evil

Posted by jimmyviseu:
mcain is like bush... so i vot obama!!

Yes i agree on that one, Obama seems like a good man with both foots on earth! Smile

OBAMA, no doubt.
I am Italian and I hope he wins; I can't stand anymore people like Bush and, most of all, Berlusconi ( sigh !) Disagree Disagree
Now he ( Berlusconi Evil ) wants to destroy pulic school Aww crap! Aww crap! Aww crap!

I would definitely be an Obama supporter. I've always been semi-liberal anyways. McCains economic policies are disastrous as well.

Most people I know here in Ireland are huge Obama supporters. There are very few McCain supporters that I know of.

And lol at Sarah Palin.

Now Berlusconi, he is just the worst. He embodies what is wrong about politics in the west.

I am from Poland but USA its alliance country and in tv we can see OBAMA or McCain..
I like politic because i wannna pass my secondary school exam, i choose politic.

Obama is interesting person he is realy very inteligent and he looks like.. president.

But end of all polish president is a tomato.

I think it is gonna win Obama but I don't like either Obama and McCain beacuse I generally support the Democratic Party but I have to say that Obama is promising too many things taht he won't be able to fulfill since America and the World in general is coming across a very difficult moment, with Economy very weak. he says taht he will make the health system become more public but I think that he won't find enough money to achieve this target. And this is only one thing difficult to accomplish at the moment

I believe in Obama because he thinks about the middle class and i believe is going to be a strong president of the U.S. go OBAMA! Thumbs Up

Obama would bring fresh air, but I am afraid of american lobbies Sad Sad
Obama would change relationship with european countries and european leaders..
even in my poor country in this very difficult moment Disagree Disagree

G.BUSH for 3rd time Big Smile Big Smile Big Smile Thumbs Up Thumbs Up Thumbs Up

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