Joined: May '13
Location: Mauritius
Age: 33 (M)
Posts: 2688
Cheers congrats mate on your cashout , i hope this is the first of many more keep playing the mob games and yeah eventually you will get more mob points again and you could use it to cashout again and use the money wisely and this can add up to a lot if you keep playing and keep winning mate, so keep being active and it will happen also dont spend it all at once and try to make it last. I cant here lol, anyway peace out mate!
Joined: Mar '12
Location: United Kingdom
Age: 46 (F)
Posts: 2261
Congratulations on your first cashout,just remember to keep trying the calender doors and there is always the safe to never know, you could win it for the 3rd time. Hope you manage to turn your $55 into a decent bankroll.
Joined: Jun '09
Location: Australia
Age: 38 (M)
Posts: 90
Awesome have not had the privilege of cashing out yet here on bankrollmob but hey 50$ free Cash is free cash man I hope u build that bankroll up if you choose to go down that path hahaha gl
Joined: Jun '12
Location: Argentina
Age: 57 (M)
Posts: 168
It is always pleasing to receive free money BankrollMob people always true, are the best What room are you going to use the money earned? There are many promotions where to invest the money work more You enjoy your money at the poker tables and increase your bankroll to infinity
Joined: Mar '12
Location: United Kingdom
Age: 46 (F)
Posts: 2261
Hey Badbeatles....did you manage to receive your money yet?Hope you managed to put it to good use and make a decent bankroll. I am close to my 4th cashout now.....last two made up of just forum posting and one 200 point win.
Joined: Oct '14
Location: Serbia
Age: 34 (M)
Posts: 4358
first of all evry post that anybody make that have 3+ rows get 10 mob points... second calendar is giving randomly... it usualy gives about 3,4 prizes for month, sometimes more, sometimes less... but if you open all doors thats what you get... Third it doesnt depend on which country you r from... look at your countrymen bowie and his winings here... just be active on forum, and open evry door, and I am sure you will win points in no time
Joined: Jan '12
Location: Portugal
Age: 33 (M)
Posts: 405
Hi mate.
Is worth all the time waiting for free money, that we earned by consuming and help grow up this forum and became friend and a helpfull member to this comunity.
Congratulations, and keep going to improve this forum with your experience and knowlegde in the game and out of him.
Joined: Apr '11
Location: Romania
Age: 59 (M)
Posts: 2437
Well,is not complety free money,you generate money spending energy on the forums and every time you log in to Bank Roll Mobsters you bring money to this site.About the calendar and safe shots,we are more tha 600 k members and the prizes are the same like years ago when we where less than 400k members,so you get the feeling that the Lady Luck in hating you