Joined: May '08
Location: Belgium
Age: 36 (M)
Posts: 112
Posted by shokaku: Don't waste your time on dreams of glory. You still have a challenge at hands. It can't be so difficult to lose those stupid 5 bucks.
Go on a table and get it done.
hehe I will try to lose it very soon I hope, just can't play much now since I've been working non stop, hope to find the time this weekend, will let you know
Joined: Sep '07
Location: Brazil
Age: 41 (M)
Posts: 84
Oh, finally, just one more post and I will reach the 5,000 MOB Points to cashout. I've already created a thread for discussing the best way to cashout it. I think I'll use Neteller anyway. If I'm right, it will be just 1 buck on tax to do this.
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Age: 44 (M)
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Well the good thing about it is when you go back to sleep you will be a rich man and get to live out all your dreams. Thats if you manage to get some time.
just can't play much now since I've been working non stop, hope to find the time this weekend, will let you know ----------- iv been working non-stop for the last 10 years and still have plenty of time to lose $5
Joined: Mar '08
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Age: 49 (M)
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hahahah nice dream,leave your bed a bit sticky you gotta live the least can you remember what hand you won with,mabie 72 offsuit.