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Sorry but you did not fold a quad cause the quad was on the board so not yours but all players in the hand in this case you and another one. You folded cause you thought that your opponent had a higher card than you wich is probably right.
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Posted by SBEP: Good fold, ace high probably or mb a K
I know that this was joke because quads was on table
@pinotte it does count like I had quads, because I had them it was on table, and if I called and lost hand, in chat would say that I lost hand with quads and 5 kicker... so yes I did have quads
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its poker really when times that u need to fold and seeing some unexpected hand ,sometimes we change gear on that case,but its up on your decision poker is so magical and needs exact decision wether its win hand.
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I really wondered why, before watching the video. That was a good fold. Remember losing in a similar hand, when i was starting to play poker. Thought it was a shared pot then, and the high card kicked my butt Nice fold.
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Good fold indeed and this is one of the most important thing at this game: to fold a good hand in a special situation. You know , that you have the "second best Hand" and here is a fold agood idea.
you played ok... you had 11BB and got sueted ace on button and only one limper.... I think its reasonable shove, because I dont know if you would get better chance than that @dacpao71... I only can beat 4 and lower, so almoust any hand beat me, so fold is a must
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Never happened to me to fold quads i always get payout though i never had a cooler against a royal flush, so always won with my quads , hopefully i will continue like that and do not get hit by a royal flush cooler from now on, hopefully , but now every time i will have quads i will be looking if they have flush and so on, anyway have fun at the tables good luck and make a lot of money guys , cheers have fun again mates!
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Annoying but a good fold.It is strange that some people can just never fold when there are hands in view like a possible full house or if a straight is on view,some always assume you are just trying to get them to fold.Another is when there are two medium pairs on view and they have an ace.