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Joined: Apr '09
Location: Portugal
Age: 38 (M)
Posts: 469
I dont have facebook, I dont like those kind of sites as hi5 and facebooks. But it is an excellent initiativ! I will prove that i like bankrollmob other way!
Joined: Apr '09
Location: Portugal
Age: 43 (M)
Posts: 401
Man! I am a huge fan of BRM, no doubt about it. But I completely hate mass social networks. How about creating a group on more serious and specialized network, like LinkedIn?
Joined: May '09
Location: Germany
Age: 44 (M)
Posts: 141
Bankrollmob rocks! Many different NoDeposit Bonis@the most pokerrooms! Easy money with no risk . Unfortunatley, i was already tracked by the most of them before i came to brm.
Joined: Jan '09
Location: Argentina
Age: 34 (M)
Posts: 402
Posted by racpxt: Man! I am a huge fan of BRM, no doubt about it. But I completely hate mass social networks. How about creating a group on more serious and specialized network, like LinkedIn?
Facebook, Myspace, Hi5, ...
Theres a reason why Facebook and myspace are the biggest social networks, and I believe that they are the best, or at least they please people more than any others And I've become a fan on facebook
Too bAD I can't post my Fb link here ,was so much easier
Liv ftw
F ME !!!!
wow thats nice I am kidding with someone and u r getting nasty for no reason. Really get over urself buddy. Big deal if u cant make it, dont get so out of shape and say FU to me. Just so u know not all revolves around u. There happens to be a few thousand others on here.