I was just on Facebook and this page came up under recommended pages. It seems to be an old page and its been inactive since last year but its still coming up as a recommended page with 2 and half thousand likes. And the website it gives is not this one.
I then tried to find the genuine bankroll mob Facebook page, which I have liked, and yet I couldn't find it. I found lots of other copycat pages though. I'm sure you can get Facebook to take them down as they are clearly fraudulent, pretending to represent a company they do not work for.
Maybe you're already aware, maybe you don't mind but they don't give your website address. But I thought it was right to let you know.
Joined: Aug '07
Location: Malta
Age: 42 (M)
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There's basically no easy way of reporting another page, that I have found. Most of the options are just "block the page", which only makes it so that YOU don't see it anymore. Two ways of contacting facebook, one is by reporting intellectual property / trademark/copyright, and the other is saying the page is a scam.
And yes, our own page has been unpublished for unknown reasons, we appealed their decision a week ago but no reply yet.
Gotta love Facebook, makes it hard to take down the copycats while you yourself are being taken down by Facebook for doing nothing wrong anyway
Facebook, the site that gives a voice to all the no life retards, trolls and trolls that don't even know what trolling is. It's an amazing poop site that shows how dumb humans can be. The most usefull thing about facebook is the chat/messages... rest is all clickbaits and advertisement. Also, it's a decent site to get daily news about things you like.
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Age: 42 (M)
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The only way to report that page, was for harassment, and now I got a reply from FB: "We reviewed the Page you reported for harassment and found it doesn't violate our Community Standards."
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This is a fine example how things work over the net. Whether you are right or not, some will do, what they think is right for them. I wonder how many of them are taking their jobs seriously and doing something about it. Keep disliking everything they do
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Wnen some famous person say that they have fake accuonts and that on some way they use copyrigts,then they can close pages or whatever they use,then they cant do anything!everything is arround profit!