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Joined: Sep '07
Location: Sweden
Age: 49 (M)
Posts: 244
I was stupid enough to try out some Sng had no luck at all. Then i tried som micro limit table. once again no luck at all. Its easier to play higher limits. A value bet isnt much worth at 0.05/0.10 tables. I never played higher then 0.10/0.20 still i lost it all quite fast. Managed to get 100points
Joined: May '08
Location: Germany
Age: 60 (M)
Posts: 6787
Mostly cash games. NL 10, 25 and 50. Was lucky enough to win a freeroll too. And at that time the payout was much higher then today. So started out with around 100 bucks.
Joined: Sep '07
Location: Sweden
Age: 49 (M)
Posts: 244
I recieved $40 to million poker. Played Cash games. Didnt do so well Werent any good limit games there so i had to play NL holdem lost it after a couple of hours People do sick call at the low limit tables
Joined: Jan '08
Location: Canada
Age: 37 (M)
Posts: 2698
I lost $35 in sit and gos and than gambled the $5 into $40 in cash game. Than Worked it to $70 and tilted to $5 and quit for the day. Than worked it to $70 again and got some bad beats to $12. After lots of hours, worked it to $650, cashed out $450, sitting on $200 right now.
Joined: Oct '08
Location: Netherlands
Age: 45 (M)
Posts: 3
I just started a 3000$ gp speed rebuy 2$ game with my $40 but i know very well this isnt a smart thing to do because 2$ rebuy is just too much with only $40 i advise lowest levels goodluck all
Joined: Feb '08
Location: Latvia
Age: 36 (M)
Posts: 23
lol, i nearly lost everything, simple i can play AA, KK, AK etc and i will lose, last time i had 99, all in preflop, against KQo, i lost, he got flush! Unreal poker room, I wont play there, no chance to win!
i played SNGs the maintime. this worked very well. one time i became crazy and played cash game with crappy hands. so now i really know that e.g. 56 o is NOT a good hand. next time i know...
Joined: Oct '08
Location: Germany
Age: 38 (M)
Posts: 41
Posted by noobyfish: i played SNGs the maintime. this worked very well. one time i became crazy and played cash game with crappy hands. so now i really know that e.g. 56 o is NOT a good hand. next time i know...
oh man, i now EXACTLY what you mean^^ turned the 40$ into 59$ in a few hours with SnG`s, than sit down on cash game and lost about 48$ -.- Yesterday I played again SnG`s and now im on 29 dollars again! in 2 hours youll see me again on 3,30 SnG`s!
Joined: May '08
Location: Germany
Age: 60 (M)
Posts: 6787
Posted by noobyfish: i played SNGs the maintime. this worked very well. one time i became crazy and played cash game with crappy hands. so now i really know that e.g. 56 o is NOT a good hand. next time i know...
If you want to play crappy hands you need a lot of fold equity when you bet your marginal holdings. But you don't have that at the lower limits.