Hey Pokerking!!! So you're in beautiful las vegas nevada this week... very nice!!
I wish you all the best in your tournament and I hope you win it! Does the world poker tour give bracelets or trophies? I think it's trophies but I'm not sure.
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Best of luck to you pokerking76 i hope to be reading about your success story in the news very soon. keep us posted, oops just seen it an update in an hour.
Lol that donk call though. Didn't think there would be this type of retarded calls in a pro tournament like this. But I guess for some people 100$ buy-in is nothing and they can rebuy so they play uber aggressive. (although calling a shove with J9 isn't agressive it's just dumb lol)
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First of all have a nice time in Vegas and watch out for the slot machines Second, all the best with your tournaments, cashing up. It must be a great experience for this "invite only" tournament.
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Posted by Mober: First of all have a nice time in Vegas and watch out for the slot machines Second, all the best with your tournaments, cashing up. It must be a great experience for this "invite only" tournament.
What is the : 3 day flight tournament ?
Its a day 1a, day 1b and day 1c before continue to day 2
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Wow, so nice PokerKing76, you're in beautiful Vegas and on my favorite tournament The World Poker League. I wish you lucly at next time there I hope you will make some price for you. God Luck men. .
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I wish you the greatest success in the tournament , is certainly an excellent filing when you play with the pros , write us what the current tournament , I wish you all the best of these three days , and took a lot of money
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You had 21.9 last update and now 31.5 so you are going up slowly good. As soon as your are not going down it is a very long tournament so you have a lot of time.
It is not like a hyper turbo where you need to make your stack very early.
In the kind of what you are playing you will be card dead for a while and very nice hand after so you have to be patient and get the chips when the cards are for you.
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Awesome, PokerKing76! We mobsters are delighted to hear that you made it to the Championship event in Las Vegas. We all are very proud of you. Keep us updated. Wishing you all the best for your exciting endeavors.
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Location: Macedonia, The former Yugoslav Republic of
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Come on Poker king76 hang on, you're good for now , you're a good player , we believe in you , no surrender , go to the end of the tournament , we are with you , we want you to write good news