Posted by schwabo: Hi,guys i won some prizes and everything change for 30 lottery tickets for now,reason is to many accounts and don't wonna open new ones,but I get my christmast gifts 2 times 2nd place in last 8 weeks in Party raffle jackpot as you know over 6000$ all together with winnings of playing,so now I chill out and play slots slow with my brandy and coffee ,little break from poker Good luck to you all my and i hope some points from lottery
what is your pp nick? how did you do, now? Simultanka won a lot. I some other nicks getting a lot too. but he was the great winner, the number one prize was for a name I only saw ones.
Edited by Ingrind33 (29 December 2016 @ 16:25 GMT)
Joined: May '09
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Age: 39 (M)
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hope that lottery draw will be in next days,because in rules BRM say that will be arround new year,so hope tomorrow or on 1.1.2017.!it would be nice to see who won prizes and who is biggest winner!lot of us have so many tickets,it will be hard!good luck to all!
just want to seize the opportunity to thanks the BRM staffs for all the good work and the wonderful prizes, and of course happy new year everyone and may 2017 brings you more positive surprise
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Posted by pochui: hey raffle waffle where are you? i am in the mood to experience some serious setbacks in my quest of becoming a zillionaire. then again it's xmas, and it's even new year in a few days- why the hell not winning something to brighten up my tough life as a virtual troll?
Yea they say the drawn will be max 7 days from calendar is finished that period is pass hope it will be today or tomorrow Hope will win something with my 153 ticket that i have in pool GL to all!!!
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we want draw,we want draw,we want draw !come on BRM,give us that lottery and to see did we won something or nothing!we have lots of tickets and everybody waiting to see what we have from that!its more then 7 days,new year is out,so draw this!
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where,you are not right,because main draw for last christmas calendar was on 29.12.2015.,on that date mob points were on my account!and its not same as other prizes and freeroll for opening doors!so thats why all of us expected lottery till now!
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dont know where did you find information that draw will be on 7.1.,but as all we know that is not truth!draw should be 7 days after calendar finish,but still nothing!so we can just wait!payout of mob points cant be before 10.1.,but this lotter is something else and should already have results!
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The longer the wait the better the prize feels when u win U can win free money so i don't really get why u in such a hurry I prefer a fair draw then anything else (have around 150 tickets i think)
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Still no drawn but it should be few days ago but hope it will be soon... Just to know i get now on party poker acount 20$ tornaments from calendar dont see that anywone write that money have arived on acounts...
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So.... a couple of things. I'm sure you all know by now that the draw has taken place and there is a news article and a thread relating to it. Secondly, details of the freeroll will be revealed shortly (same article). And finally, I think I have receib d my partypoker T$20 into my partypoker account already. I'm sure it will all work out in the end!
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If you havent got anything yet from your prizes in a specific poker site, then no one does They are crediting all of them at once. You will have to have some patience and you will get them at some point. Good luck with them.
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It seems I struck lucky on this draw,I won the 4000 mob points which I think was one of the top prizes and I only had a dozen or so raffle tickets Very lucky I know,but excluding the Christmas calendar I haven't won anything on the usual calendar/mob safe for a very long time so I think I was due a win.