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Here are the results of the Sunday BRM freeroll on Party Poker. Congratulations to all winner specially to forum reg. ivanjkp, sthep and ingrind who managed to make ITM.
Like you can see i was near to do it but i went out exactly like last week when i shoved with J J against again same as last week A 4 and the same result.
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well I was doing great, and than I got involved in pot with simular stack I had AKhh he got JJ... he limp 3-bet me preflop, and that set my alarms... I know that in best case I am fliping... so I just called flop comed with 2 hearts and he bet big... I know I should shove there, but we were so close ITM so I had to just call... turn comes non irrelevent, and now he decided to bet small O.o I had to call... river comes blank and I was cripled with that... anyway congrats to all winners, and pinotte I saw when you were kicked out... you were so close the money... I think just next hand we made it ITM...
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Hey the StheP I saw you at my table briefly you were killing it and doing really well dominating it is unfortunate that you didn't make the final table but thats poker congrats on your cash my friend. I had a much earlier exit I had AK of spades and I raised to open the pot came 2 pair for me on the board and went all in only to be called by J10 didnt even for a second put my opponent on a straight on the flop caught me by susprise and I was out but I had fun anyways just fun to play with all the mobsters every week the prizes and money is not important perhaps next week things will go better.
Good luck to the mobsters that made the money including the forum regs ivanjkp, ingrind and another congrats to the StheP see you all next week and take care
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thanks sammybeyo, I was writing to you, but you blocked chat... and about that flop... I assume it was AKQ... well AK is preaty strong...well I dont know if I could even fold if someone shoves on me with 2 pair specialy if that 2 pairs are AK...
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Oh I wasn't aware my friend I am sorry I did because sometimes I get nasty comments in the chat had bad experiences with sore losers on the site and all that if I would have had it on I would have responded and talked to you on their. Yes of course that was the flop indeed you are correct and I had no way of putting him on the J10 I was basically dealt a game over hand I didn't want to go all in preflop because I didn't want to overplay my hand especially that early in the tourney when the blinds were so low I am usually cautious to start and as blinds go higher I would have made a play preflop to maybe avoid the J10 getting there like that but all and all was a great game
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Congratulations to all winner to bad that pinotte didnt make it to finish ITM bat was realy close ... I play it was realy tired and have some crazy moves in midle off tournament but at end i finished 10th bubled FT was dealt A10spade and player with similiar stak shove from buton and i call he have 44 and table dont get anything was 30+BB pot.. GL next week
Hello mobsters! Congratulations to all the winners. It's a shame Pinotte wasn't able to last untill after the bubble burst.
I busted pretty early. Was card dead the whole time, even when I had 2 overcards + flush draw + straight draw I didn't hit anything! And my pocket deuces couldn't hold to keep me alive ^^
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Many congratulations to all the winners, especially the regular forum guys, in this weeks' freeroll. Pocket Jacks are always a very difficult hand to play and ,unless i hit a Jack on the flop, i have no problem laying them down post flop
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congratulation to two regulars for taking money at sundays freeroll!something is better then nothing and maybe next sunday will be better!hope that more of us will be in prize pool!didnt play,beacuse still didnt collect enough points,maybe will this sunday!
well done people, too bad there are less forum regulars in the money. the whole tournament I was doing ok, but I made one mistake and it was a fatal one. There is this player who always fishes en I didn't believe he had a good hand since he limped after the gun or something. I didn't want any callers so I went all in and this is of course a mistake since i had aq. he called with ak and i died. My own fault.
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Well! I managed to play this game for the first time for ages and having had a steady start for involved in a pot that perhaps I really shouldn't have and lost a big proportion of my stack....hung on until around 30th and whimpered out. Wa splaying three other games at the same time though which I cashed in so not too bad a night. See y'all next week.
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nice to see 3 forum regs making it in the money and pinotte, it could have been worse, you could've ended up being the bubble boy. congrats to ivanjkp and StheP but the biggest congrats go to our hot gal from the weedy land of Netherlands- Ingrind33, really smokin hot performance there cutie.
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Huge congratulations to all the forum members on grabbing the prize in the weekly tournament and commiserations to those who failed. Remember that it is very important to learn to find opportunities in difficulties and not difficulties in opportunities in life. Good luck to all next week.
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Gratz for the winner of the 40 bucks and all the other lucky mobsters! I don't have the time to play this leader board freeroll, but i try it in the future to meet and play with the other mobsters. Next weekend was another Chance to play in this freeroll and gl all mobsters
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I see a few brm regulars representing in the money this time also Congratulations to all of you and better luck next time to the rest. You are getting there pinotte. Just play less all ins with these hands you are getting