Joined: Feb '13
Location: Canada
Age: 47 (M)
Posts: 1204
That was a surprise got a email from Stars...
Dear TheIrish77,
It’s your birthday, and to celebrate, we’re giving you an exclusive gift for the big day!
Our birthday gift to you: $5 in free Spin & Go tickets Your free birthday gift will expire in 14 days, so hurry. Hit the button below to get started.
I'll use these when i've sobered up on Monday. The weekend will be a write off for this Irisihman.
Headed to the local pub shortly with a couple of the mates and then the night of debauchery will begin.
If i can remember some details form the s**t show I'll let you guys know if i get arretsed or stabbed or whatever ends up happening. Good times ahead LOL
Joined: Mar '09
Location: Greece
Age: 47 (F)
Posts: 14196
Happy birthday to you. All the best. Wise decision to use the tickets when sober A nice amount of them that can be turned in a nice win also if you are lucky Good luck with the play and stay away from the knives
Joined: Mar '11
Location: United Kingdom
Age: 55 (M)
Posts: 7371
Have a great Birthday( it sounds like you will!!) and i hope you can win a few bucks with your free gift. I think it is a very prudent idea not to spend your gift until you sober up. Happy Birthday again and have a great weekend
Joined: May '09
Location: Croatia
Age: 39 (M)
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happy birthday!nice from stars that they give birthday gifts!didnt know that they do this for players!is this new promo for all players or its something new that they started to give to players!I never had something like that from poker starsm for birthday!
Hah, that must be new! I don't remember them giving me something like this in the past at my birthday.
They should do this type of promotions more. Just giveaway stuff, be loyal to your players just like they are loyal to your brand... Considering how much we pay in rake they could be giving away a lot more. Their daily giveaway freerolls are just a joke, so small prizepools... lol
Joined: Mar '14
Location: Japan
Age: 50 (M)
Posts: 8946
Happy belated birthday! As I missed your birthday so I googled to find several late birthday wishes to send you. But the best one came from my mind and I want to say “hope you enjoyed a bunch on your birthday.”