Last week I did a 5$ sports bet on partsports on ice hockey trying to get like 68$. My 3 picks were right but one of them won in overtime so it didn't count as a win. So I got the fre the jab ticket instead as a consolation prize. I love this promo
I wanted to post a screenshot of the lobby and the final hand of the tournament but I don't know how to attach a file, I don't see the button for it. Pinotte does it every week for the freeroll, anyone knows how? EDIT: NVM found it:
Edited by TheMachineQC (27 December 2016 @ 18:56 GMT)
Joined: Mar '14
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Congratulations to TheMachineQC for being well balanced and focused throughout. You have earned all the praises you are now receiving. We are happy for you. May you keep climbing new heights of success.
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Congratulations for your win very nice return on your investment. But you did it before and i am sure you will do it again.
Now for your screen capture if you are using window 10 you have a special tool with witch instead of taking all the screen with this tool you can chose what you want to capture. And now you know how to attach it.
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Many congratulations to you on winning this tournament. This must have been an extra special buzz because you got into this tournament for free. I hope you can keep the good run going and well done again to you
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At the end it worked better for you losing the sports bet You would have got 68 instead. But now i see you got 140 something probably, cant tell from the screenshot, so it is way better Congratulations, nice win.
Yeah Mober sorry about the screenshot it's hard to actually see anything lol. I got 147$ US dollars so around 200$ in canadian dollars. It's always nice to cash with a tournament ticket because then it's 100% profit, so of course winning it is awesome. And you're right I was better off losing the sports bet!
I did another bet yesterday and again 2 out of 3 so I'll get another jab ticket next week. GL guys!
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yeah that screenshot is not quite up to the quality, i am so glad that gone are those days when i had to watch porn pics in similar resolution- man that was heartbraking and cockbraking experience. back to the topic though- congrats on your win, hope there is many more ahead.
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What whs it 149 dollars, the picture is to small very hard to see the prizes, anyhow, congratz dude, nice win, and plenty of more to come i hope, bothj for me and you, nice to see that by screwing you they actually crew them self again nice take down
Many congratulations on your victory in this tournament. It must have been extra special buzz, because you are in the tournament for free. Good luck in the following games and congratulations
Thanks again guys it's nice to have some positive feedback
I made a deposit of like 250$ CAD on partypoker for the 12 days of christmas deposit bonus and cashed out 500 right away. Left myself 1$ which I ran up to 25$ already playing 1c/2c Pot limit omaha and cleared 22% of the bonus' first increment already. This additional rakeback is pretty good.
Joined: Mar '09
Location: Greece
Age: 47 (F)
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That was a nice profit from the promotion in only one month. And your performance with that leftover in omaha is impressive, from 1 to 25 I see another cash out soon in your future Good luck with your grinding.