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The Deal - Winners!!!  +2   
Just from a quick 1 hour micro sesh this morning, look at all the Deal winners I came across.

On one 6-max table, there were 3 !!!!

How many times have they won that thing already.
It doesnt seem normal to me. Unless it is because of the change
and everyone is trying what they had saved so far.
And they are all playing micro stakes? Smile

Yeah the best idea is to play the deal once every 12 hours to maximize your chances of getting these little jackpot prizes. Especially if the jackpot is higher than 80,000$, more people will be trying to crack it so there are good chances that the jackpot will be won in the next 12 hours.

Considering how many players play the deal, making a straight flush isn't that unlikely... you just gotta spin the jackpot in the wheel after (idk what are the odds of that)

well dude i must confess that i have absolutely no clue what you are talking about, probably i'm getting too old to comprehend all the info that's being thrown at me. all i can add is that i wish you all the best at the tables, under the tables and between the tables. here's the real deal- new year is just around the corner.

I see them alot too in the freerolls and microstakes even when I play them heads up in the spin and go's the people that won the deal always seem to have my number it's probably because they have a huge bankroll and don't care if they win or lose I guess you can say these lucky winners are really smart with their winnings unlike some people that blow it all in the high stakes good for them I guess Worship Thumbs Up Big Smile Smile

Probably that is how it goes. After the win there they have the bankroll to push the game
in all directions, and they wont mind losing a couple of buy ins, or even more in
micro stakes. They can afford it.
They will hit eventually their cards, getting their loss back and in many occasions a profit too.

I must admit,like pochui,that I dont know at what I am looking at,what I need to see from this list of winnings and ho won few times,who win anything!only can see lot of players from russia,ukraine!maybe points is in that Confused

If someone wins a jackpot, half of the jackpot is split among everyone who has played in the last twelve hours. I won $0.60 the last time somebody won the jackpot. Thus I'm a "The Deal winner". It doesn't mean that I won the jackpot.
Obviously, many many PS players have this show up on their profile and they cannot all have won the jackpot, but they (like me) did win something on The Deal.
So, if you want to take advantage of the Jackpot splitting, spend 7 star coins on a hand of The Deal every 12 hours or so. You'll get some tiny cash prizes here and there, and if you're really lucky you'll win something on your hand. However, the odds are garbage and essentially a slot machine.
I've won $8 or so off of The Deal in the past week doing just this. Dollar Smile

Posted by Odysseus101:
If someone wins a jackpot, half of the jackpot is split among everyone who has played in the last twelve hours. I won $0.60 the last time somebody won the jackpot. Thus I'm a "The Deal winner". It doesn't mean that I won the jackpot.
Obviously, many many PS players have this show up on their profile and they cannot all have won the jackpot, but they (like me) did win something on The Deal.
So, if you want to take advantage of the Jackpot splitting, spend 7 star coins on a hand of The Deal every 12 hours or so. You'll get some tiny cash prizes here and there, and if you're really lucky you'll win something on your hand. However, the odds are garbage and essentially a slot machine.
I've won $8 or so off of The Deal in the past week doing just this. Dollar Smile

You are right. These are not the jackpot winners - just regular schmos who are winning a few pennies here and there.

Somewhat deceptive marketing, but it's working for them.

LOL?...what crazy marketing! I hadn't realised what this really was but now I get it. Hey I've won more than that in the past! However I can't win jack at the minute cos there is no link to the deal anywhere on my pokerstars or FullTiltUK on either pic or mobile, so missing out on a chance to win a consolation prize too!

not quite clear what it says? I probably do not understand something but gains are very small or even zero? very unclear information and details, too, no ... some sort of a mystery...not quite clear what it says? I probably do not understand something but gains are very small or even zero? very unclear information and details, too, no ... some sort of a mystery

The deal today was a good one hit quads good for Dollar 30 Big Smile Most of the time the prize with be small with the deal with extra small payouts and once in awhile some bigger prizes good luck mobsters Dollar Thumbs Up

Attached ImagesScreenHunter_29 Jan. 06 09.32.jpg

when you get a share of the jackpot, you are a "the deal winner"

In FUlltilt poker there was the same, the first thing I saw this, I was also spamming those people like how the hell, but it just when you have a share of the jackpot.
Just try to play it very 12 hours, I hope someone will get some nice royal flush one day. I want to hear that good news by mobbits. GL All!

Holy Crap, Vic! Nice one. I'm sure you were pleased by that result. Was it on a 7 or 70 starcoin play?

I'm only trying to do a 7 coin game every twelve hours or so. But I screwed up yesterday, the jackpot was up to over $150,000 and somebody won the thing and I was outside the window. Too bad for me.

Best I've done is set so far. I'm not in it to win it, although if I did that would be nice. I'm in it to gobble up the crumbs when someone else wins.

I think this is the best result i have seen in the deal from a brm member so far.
A nice addition to your bankroll. Probably worth the points you spent there.
Congratulations with a better result next time. Thumbs Up

Looks like the deal was just won in the past few hours! I think I played it once like 14-15 hours ago, so someone won it in the last 2-3 hours and I didn't get a piece of the prize Sad

Oh well! I'll wait untill it's at 100k again and play it once. lol

Good luck to the mobsters who play in the deal, it seems like a decent promo if you can guess when it's going to be won Blink

Have fun guys

Crap, I missed it too! I did a play late last night and forgot to this morning. I've missed the last couple of jackpot winners, including whoever won it last for over $150,000. I need to set an alarm or something.
But PokerStars is usually hot and heavy on a Friday night, so you mobsters should play a single game of The Deal in order to get a buck or two of your share, for the cost of only 7 star coins.
Plus, now that I've played you have my blessing to play and win. Thanks in advance.

Hi there boys and girls, where do you find in p.stars lobby The Deal ? I wrote about this 2 days ago to stars support to guide me and they do not answer yet...

yesterday played freeroll on PokerStars and many had the inscription "Winner" ... then again recently, someone won in this ridiculous game and those who play too ... well, what ever and the most moronic game can win so I congratulate those lucky enough to get some money

Mocoteo, in my PokerStars lobby at the top right corner it shows the time, then below it the number of people logged in, and below that a button with cursive capital D on it, says "The Deal" on it. You don't see it there? Maybe your main lobby layout needs to be updated, or looks different than mine? Maybe you need a software update from PS, but I thought that those occur automatically.

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