Joined: Mar '09
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Age: 47 (F)
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Only one is better than none Congratulations to all and especially icequeen of course who got paid. Your time to get paid is approaching pinotte Better luck to all next time.
Congratulations to all the winners. Good job IceQueenAce for 9th place I'm sure you would have liked to finish top 3 but still it is a good result.
I played the tournament but I lost early with AQ flopping top pair top kicker but my opponent turned a straight with J9. I could have folded but I was kinda busy so I just went for it and donated my stack. To next week!
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Age: 55 (M)
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Many congratulations to all the winners again on this weeks' freeroll tournament. Extra congratulations must go to IceQueenAce on reaching the money and a nice $7.50 prize. Its always nice to reach the money
Joined: Jan '17
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Age: 67 (M)
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Yes for sure $7.50 win in the freeroll is a really good prize money to win, this freeroll is good in hiw qucik blinds go up, amount of players that play every week and prize money which is big for a freeroll, so yes inthink this is great tournament and I hope to play it soon
Joined: Aug '10
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Age: 53 (M)
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Gratz to all mobsters itm last sunday in the bmob freeroll at Party Poker! 4 hours are a long time to play for less than 80 Players, but better than a hyper turbo only with maniacs I hope i can play one of the next weekend freerolls.
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big congratulation to IceQueenAce,who defend honor of BRM regulars and on 9. place at sundays freeroll!its goot that we have at least one regular every sunday!as I see,we had less player on this freeroll,so prizes were bigger!
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Age: 50 (M)
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Big congratulations go to all the forum members who finished in the top 13 in the weekly $200 special freeroll on PartyPoker. There seemed to be slightly fewer participants than usual last Sunday. Good luck to all next week.
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Age: 64 (M)
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... <... Yes,...congratzzzzzz to the Icy One....
... < ...I got a notice from partypoker the other day in my email advising that the points structure will be changing in May, I'm wondering about the fate of our beloved Sunday game there...! I'm hoping it will continue somehow...
Joined: Feb '11
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Age: 60 (M)
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Congratulations to IceQueen Ace with the only regular in the money on Sunday night. I see there were not as many people playing this weekend and wonder whether this s a reason or whether it's just a blip. Looking forward to next Sunday when I plan to join the tourney and look forward to seeing some of you at the felts.