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$10,000,000 Sunday Million Coming Up!   0   
Imagine waking up on Monday morning after winning a million dollars in a poker tournament!! These sort of things are stuff of dreams and i wish all the players the very best

hmmm, oh yeah, those words in the back of my mind were- holy sh1t, 10 millions of dollaros! that’s quite a decent event for an online tourney, a cool million+ for the winner and the $215 buy in really doesn’t look all that terrible considering how much money is at stake.

That´s really incredible, 1 million $ for the winner was an amazing winning prize for the Sundy Million at Stars this time. A good reason to try some of the sat´s to qualify for this nice event- only one good run was enough for a big cash Blink

Posted by doubletop777:
Imagine waking up on Monday morning after winning a million dollars in a poker tournament!! These sort of things are stuff of dreams and i wish all the players the very best

Wanna bet me you wont even sleep after winnin a million $+ Big Smile but damn yeah i might be playing too

I played last year this event, and cashed I think for 380$... I sat in using 1000 star coins, so it was nice ROI Big Smile this year I will probably not play it...

this will be long fight and probably will be played for hours!so one mistake could decide will you stay in tournament or not!good luck to everybody who will play this great tourney and maybe somebody will qualify from satellites if they dont have for direct buy in!

Thats the tournament that many must be waiting for.
That 1 million for the first prize is a dream for everyone.
Lets see who will make it true this time.
The satellites will be on fire for this one starting with 1$.
Good luck to all the ones trying.

Yes as all of you are saying I too agree with this 100% it is really a big tournament with fantastic prize for the winner, to win 1 million of dollars in one tournament is something I can only dream of and i have no idea how a guy who wims this much feels.

Posted by dule-vu:
this will be long fight and probably will be played for hours!so one mistake could decide will you stay in tournament or not!good luck to everybody who will play this great tourney and maybe somebody will qualify from satellites if they dont have for direct buy in!

Taking into account a large number of different insane players, a fatal mistake can occur even if you do everything right but the diabolical luck will be on the donkey's side ... and given that the tournament will last a very long time the probability for this fatal mistake increases many times ... thanks but no

well maybe there will not be so much donks,because its big buy in,so you cant afford to pay 215 $ and to play all in on s**t cards!so you must be mad even to win from satellites this ticket and then to play donk!but mistake can be if you try to still blinds with A 9 and somebody call with pair or A Q,so must be patient and play slow!

It's not far away and there are still some crazy satellites that you can join to eye and get in for nothing....... make a deposit and join another 20,000 + people fighting for 200 seats tomorrow night, or go into one of the cash or coin satellites and see how it goes. Good luck to anyone from here who gets into the game. Enjoy it!

If you are still playing poker there it worth trying a couple of satellites, trying your luck
for a ticket.
Wont be an easy task though, starting from low buy ins, till you manage to get the big ticket.
I wonder how many satellites you have to win to get one Smile

Posted by bowie1984:
Posted by StheP:
I played last year this event, and cashed I think for 380$... I sat in using 1000 star coins, so it was nice ROI Big Smile this year I will probably not play it...

How much rake needed for 1k starcoins?

I was silver status, anad as I remember well first 4 steps are for 250sc maybe 225 or 275... something like that but 5th is like 700sc... dont know because I didnt grind on stars for more than 4 or 5 months... so I forgot... and for 5 steps you need 500VPP and 1$ rake is 5,5VPP so like 90$ for silver status... but for that you got like 1300sc...hope I clear it out....

The 11th anniversary festival will be one of the best and most exciting events PokerStars has ever hosted. A winner of today's Sunday Million tournament will be $1 million richer. I can't wait to watch the final table replay!

Edited by Tony_MON7ANA (02 April 2017 @ 04:01 GMT)

So today it is the day when pokerstars will give away 10 millions of dollars to players in this great tournament, of course it is not their money, just players themselves collected it, but this looks so big in one place, 10 million! For an online tournament, i can only imagine what guys feel at the final table of this tournament

So, today is indeed the day when pokerstars gives away another huge amount of money for playing poker. I really do hope there will be so,e bankroll,on regulars playing this tournament and that there will also be some of you in the money at the end and of course even better to final table or even win it. Good luck to all who play.

this is a great day for us pokerplayers, low buy-in players, who try to win some big from satellites. i will be very much glad if any satellite player wins this tournament. good luck to all who give this a shot

yes indeed today is the day, or maybe it's not? actually i think that millions will be given away tomorrow, since there is lots of hand up in the distance until we see the end of this epic tourney, and we have jeffaboy amongst the contenders, so who knows maybe he will be the one to lift the virtual trophy and not so virtual million dollaros?

so did anybody from BRM played this tourney,did anybody finished in ITM?what are results?didnt watch anything yesterday,had some problems,so didnt spend much time at laptop!it would be nice to hear good news from BRM members!

I have not seen anything from poker this weekend,I did not participate in poker tournaments poker stars avoid for a long time I have no success there Sad perhaps it should be a participant in this tournament need only one hand to take and go in the ITM but now it is late next time I will try

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