Joined: Oct '14
Location: Serbia
Age: 34 (M)
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lol hitting quads, and than for win you hit royal vs quads O.o all in same tournie... like that hand on wsop me long time ago, you have it on youtube.... well if you gonna win tournament, thats how you do it!!! congrats!!!
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Age: 39 (M)
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wow,what a crazy two hands,especially second hand!in first two full houses over quads,but what to say for next hand,on turn player had four A and then on river royal flush!on his place I would crash my laptop for sure
Joined: Jan '13
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Age: 58 (F)
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wow that's a great win anyways you always have the great skill that uhave take good care about your talent and don't lose faith good luck guys have fun
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Huge congratulations to xpok3rkingx on winning the $200 guaranteed tournament! You have earned a very good return on your little investment. And I think a runner runner royal flush are extremely rare.
Joined: Mar '09
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Good hands both of them, with the second of course, taking the prize, beating quads with royal flush. Congratulations on your win, it was a nice run, from 1 cent winning the tournament for 40 bucks.
Hahahaha pok3rking those are some nice boards for you right there
Was that in a penny satellite on partypoker? Anyways a win is a win especially when you hit this kind of hands it always makes poker a lot more fun when you run good.
Good luck in your future tournaments sir! See you on the tables