Joined: Feb '13
Location: Canada
Age: 47 (M)
Posts: 1204
Hey boys and girls it's your boy TheIrish77 and got a stack early on and also a decent stack in another.
Sitting 1st currently with 109 to go in a 5.50$ Featherweight 1K gtd on PP. Last hand before the break sitting top 10 and get Aces and hit trips on flop and take the chip lead. We're past registration so now numbers will dwindle and hopefully Final Table Hypo on its way!
Be back with updates along the way!
------------ Now sitting 9/52 with top 30 paid out!
------------ Just cashed this one so profitable day so far. 10.04$ locked up so far. 15/29 remaining. still have good chip stack to play around with and will make most of it
------------ Took a huge hiut to stack hand before break. KQ vs 44 and they hit trips on turn and take good chunk of my stack. have about 60k left and now 26/26
Joined: Mar '09
Location: Greece
Age: 47 (F)
Posts: 14196
You have already made a profit so the day goes well.. Still in the game and you can bounce back. Also it is saturday and you can throw a couple more games in later one Good luck with final tables once more
Almost half of the players left the tournament and you go in the first place ... very cool .... I congratulate you on a good game and I wish good luck on your way to victory .... the prize places are only 24 so the battle is serious .... good luck
Joined: Feb '13
Location: Canada
Age: 47 (M)
Posts: 1204
Fiinished 26th for min-cash. lost on flip that was big and then lost final hand wit hK6 shove of 6 BB and hit K on flop but runner runner for wheel for villain and out. still made profit today but this stings as i has been near top of run for most of it.
Maybe play another one shortly but for now enjoy rest of the day and sun!
Joined: Mar '09
Location: Greece
Age: 47 (F)
Posts: 14196
When i saw the time and read about the sun, i thought they still have sun there? Somehow due to your nickname, i keep placing you in UK, forgetting you are in canada So, enjoy the day, and better luck later.
Joined: Mar '14
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Age: 50 (M)
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Massive congratulations go out to TheIrish77 on finishing in 26th place in the $5.50 buy-in $1,000 guaranteed Featherweight tournament on partypoker. It is spirit, drive and devotion like yours that lead to ultimate success!
Joined: Mar '11
Location: United Kingdom
Age: 55 (M)
Posts: 7371
Another fine run in this tournament and another cash. Anytime you can make the money, big or small, in any of these tournaments, you must have played really well to do so
Joined: Aug '10
Location: Germany
Age: 53 (M)
Posts: 2219
Gratz for your winning in this PP tourney! Better a min-cash than nothing and it seems that this tourneys at PartyPoker are verry +ev for you Perhaps i try some of the micros at Party too, the payout structures and blind levels are ok in my opinion.