Joined: Jun '12
Location: Canada
Age: 59 (M)
Posts: 15
If you're playing hold-em and the board is paired be weary. To some this is obvious,but others are just starting out,and that's cool. If this situation occurs,however,and all of a sudden someone makes a big bet and/or re-raise,you should fold. There's a full house out there more than likely. Sure you may have trips,but your trips more than likely made your opponent full. Be careful out there. Have fun,play safe.
Joined: Mar '14
Location: Japan
Age: 50 (M)
Posts: 8946
Paired boards can be confusing and scary sometimes. Usually you are miles ahead or miles behind in this kind of situation, which makes it difficult to extract the full value when you have the goods unless there are bunch of calling stations involved in the hand.
Joined: Mar '11
Location: United Kingdom
Age: 55 (M)
Posts: 7371
Paired boards are notoriously difficult to play and you must always tread very carefully with them. THey are the perfect bluffing scenario and you must be right on your game when playing these situations
Of course in such a situation there is an opportunity for a bluff but if the opponent has the right card then everything ends sadly ..... I do not really like bluffing in this situation because you can lose quite a lot ... it's better to wait for a better situation
Joined: May '08
Location: Germany
Age: 60 (M)
Posts: 6787
Unless you play family pots all the time, it is unlikely that your opponent has hit trips or better. So one should continue at the flop like one would do on other flops, but be cautious if meeting to much resistance later in the hand.