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What is the best format for the Leaderboard

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New 888 Leaderboard  +2   
A new leaderboard race starts in ten days with same rebuy add on structure. Why not make the tournaments a $5-10 buy in freeze out or knockout.

Attached ImagesScreenHunter_149 Jul. 21 14.34.jpg


... Big Smile< ...WoW...! That's ONE LONG leaderboard...!!! It goes for 6 months and a week...!!! Shock

... Big Smile< ...and I see it's now TWO dollars to register and rebuy...!

... Big Smile< ...I voted for it to be a Knockout tourney,....please admin make it a knockout bounty tourney...! Smile Thumbs Up

This is gonna be a very, very long race.
This leader board will be up for more than five months. We are talking about duration Smile
And if im not mistake, the prizes have been increased, with first one getting 1000 US$.

It is a weekly one though, every Sunday, so not that many games up.
Good luck again to all the ones in.

Thats 5 months demo, not 6 Smile

Posted by Mober:

Thats 5 months demo, not 6 Smile

... Big Smile< ...I stand corrected...! 5 months... Smile Thumbs Up

Every Leaderboard Tournament's Prize Pool should be $200 and not $100. I have contacted 888poker to correct this. Blind levels for new tourneys have changed to 5 minutes instead of 10, which we used for the previous leaderboard tourneys. We hope that this faster format will encourage more ppl to participate Smile

Also, we are running a weekly $100 freeroll every Sunday before the Leaderboard Tournament. Great way to warm up before things get serious!

buy in is 2$ and garanty 100$ its joke?and 2 rebuy and addon is =5$ need in one tourneys Shock

Tow expensive i know. But the rules is the rules. I do not play in these tournaments because legislation does not allow in my country. Gl guys with this games

Probably not gonna play it this time. The structures and buy-in structures were terrible in the last one. 1000 chips buy-in then 1$ rebuy for 2000$ chips, then 2$ for 4000 chips after 1h15 of play. (way too long late reg for the structure made for a lot of short stack play/pre flop shoving before the bubble) Why would the rebuy give you twice as much chips as the initial buy-in? That always bugged me and I feel like somebody at 888 poker has no clue what he's doing. Big Smile Might as well make it a 2$ freezeout I don't understand why make the rebuy mandatory like this.

Besides, I have better stuff to do during the 2-3 months of summer per year we get here in Canada Blink GL! I'll play if you do another one during fall/winter for sure.

hi what is a com player ?


We have (1) weekly $200 tournaments ($2 buy-in, rebuys and add ons availabe) at 888 Poker. Every Sunday at 19:00 GMT. You can play as many as you like.
The prize (dollars) you win in the tournament(s) are converted directly to points for the leaderboard, ie. $9.75 prize win will give you 9.75 points on the leaderboard. You also get to keep the dollars in your 888 Poker account.
When the leaderboard ends, top 50 players will win their share of a $7,800 prize pool. Click here for prizes.
Everybody can participate!*
*) Only ".com" players can win prizes in the leaderboard.

Well pleased prepared to face a new league of BankrollMob in 888 poker. Personally I strongly agree with the structure of the tournaments, either buy in as the duration of the blinds, Luck to all friends of the forum that participate.-

@admin will the format be changed based on the number of votes or not Question Question

Posted by vitek660428:
buy in is 2$ and garanty 100$ its joke?and 2 rebuy and addon is =5$ need in one tourneys Shock

If you do buy in plus rebuy's and add on =$12 buy in. More ppl would play if half for K.O. and half for prize pool.

Edited by vic75 (22 July 2017 @ 01:30 GMT)

Yes 5 minutes blinds not good. 10 minutes is very good. But this buy in should must to be 50 cents for more players in this new leaderboard

I'm not very happy with the format of the new freerolls .... it would be better to have freesout tournaments ... the majority voted for it .... now to play in these freerolls you will need to deposit money for 888 poker .... otherwise it will not work

Wow! It is going to be a long journey for all participants on the 888poker leaderboard. I would like to wish you all the best of luck in your journey and hope you are happy and prosperous. Bon voyage!

I find it difficult for the rules of the game to change, but not that it hasnt happened
before in the past.
But yes for that buy in the 5 minutes blinds are too short.
Since the game is a weekly one, there is no reason to make it a lotto game.

Posted by Mober:
I find it difficult for the rules of the game to change, but not that it hasnt happened
before in the past.
But yes for that buy in the 5 minutes blinds are too short.
Since the game is a weekly one, there is no reason to make it a lotto game.

But it seems to me that 5 minutes is the best format .... the password even if it will manage to penetrate different forums, then there is very little time to register ... thus many players will be filtered out not members of the BRM

I dont have money at 888 poker,so I will not play this leaderboard tournaments,but I can just wish luck to all of you who will play!prize pool is good,but I will not deposit money just for this tournaments!again nice promo from BRM!

Dule-vu current promotion at 888 poker is a pyramid you are not participating in this promotion Question This is for me the best promotion at 888 poker Big Smile Thumbs Up I am pleased with this promotion, I took a lot of money from the tournaments for which everyone has a ticket and I believe that many members of the bankrollmob are successful at 888 poker Big Smile

I never had any deposit at 888 and I dont want tto deposit money there!only had that no deposit bonus on registration from BRM link and rest of money was from promotions,free tickets,but I didnt have a single deposit and this will not change in near future!I have other sites where I deposit,but here no!but good luck to all who play this leaderboard tournaments Thumbs Up

I'm sorry dule-vu, it's a pity for you not to made a deposit of $ 10, but believe this promotion at 888 poker is great every day there are many tournaments $ 500, $ 2000, and $ 4000 is a prize fund it is very easy to get to ITM Smile But certainly the choice is your Big Smile Thumbs Up

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