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Free Spin & Go Max tickets - no deposit required  0   
Dear dule-vu,

We’ve missed you! That’s why we’re giving you the chance to play new Spin & Go Max tournaments completely free - no deposit required.

Just login to the desktop PokerStars client and enter the Star Code ‘FREESAGMAX’ via ‘Tools’ > ‘Star Code’, or follow this link.

You’ll receive 2 free tickets worth $1 each to play Spin & Go Max tournaments. Play for up to $10,000 in minutes. Find out more about Spin & Go Max.

Ready to get your free tickets? Just hit the button below.


Terms & Conditions
The free gift Star Code is valid for one use only, and is only available to selected customers in receipt of an invitation.
The Star Code must be entered to redeem the free ticket reward.
SAG Max tickets expire 14 days from being credited to your account and can be used in any SAG Max game with a $1 buy-in.
Any unused tickets issued as part of this promotion will be forfeited and cannot be transferred or redeemed for cash or any other value.
Click here for general Terms & Conditions.

We’ve missed you. Visit PokerStars and we’ll give you an instant cash bonus and new Spin & Go Max tournament tickets!
Deposit $70 or more
Use bonus code ‘SAGMAX70’
Get an instant cash bonus of $10
Get 10 $1 Spin & Go Max tickets
With Spin & Go Max you can win up to 10,000 times your buy-in in minutes with a random draw deciding the number of players and the size of the prize pool.

You’ll receive a pop-up once you have deposited to show you where to view your tickets and register for the tourneys.

Nothing for free for me Smile

Thank you very much for courteously informing us about the free Spin & Go Max ticket offer from PokerStars. I haven't checked my email for like 2 weeks. Hopefully I am entitled to receive this special offer. Good luck to all mobsters!

I have tried to conduct Star Code ‘FREESAGMAX’, but nothing has turned out. This individual bonus offer. For some reason Poker Stars doesn't want to miss me...))) How many it is necessary for time that they have missed? Or not depends on it to receive the bonus offer?)

Poiker stars have no offer for me obviously they not missed me this is obviously only offered to specially selected personalities like dule-vu and ivanjkp Big Smile dule-vu good luck when you use these free tickets and good luck to all who got some offer

Nice promo and a good chance to win some extra bucks$ at stars. But it seems, that this promo was not for every player. I tried the code, but didn´t get the two spin & go tickets. But gl for all mobsters which have got the tickets!

again an interesting promo campaign ..... although here they write that not all people work this code, I now after I write this message I will definitely try to get these tickets .... I hope that in my case this code will work .... although for Russia often many promotions do not work .. sad

I tried and introduced this code after that i waited a bit and i received the answer that i am not eligible for this promotion for details please contact customer relations bla bla. Maybe needed a deposit or who knows... Anyway great success to all mobsters who have obtained these tickets and be happy.

as we see now,you must get mail with this promotion or some other offer from poker stars!too bad that this code dont work for other members!I thought that maybe will work!hope that you will get some free offer from poker stars in future!

   0 too! HI DamoSk...... as we don't give a damn about whether you play at our site or not, we aren't giving you anything at he moment. However if you want to come back and play then we will do our darnedest to try and take all your well earned bankroll from you. Looking forward to seeing you at our tables soon!

Posted by damosk: too! HI DamoSk...... as we don't give a damn about whether you play at our site or not, we aren't giving you anything at he moment. However if you want to come back and play then we will do our darnedest to try and take all your well earned bankroll from you. Looking forward to seeing you at our tables soon!

yes damosk very big clown this pokerstars they do not care about many things. They just want to see you playing at the tables or rest of the players. Soon they will not have anyone to see at their tables. In 2010 had 1,922,695 players now in 2017 they have 1,055,225 and lose many players. No longer has credibility.

All rooms do that. Its not the first all last time you will see that and you all know it.
They have specific promotions for specific players some times.

Maybe there is a system that counts how long you are away from the site,
and then they are sending you offers by email. So if you logged to see if you
can get it without receiving the email, you may have reset the counter.
Just a wild theory here Smile

Thank you for the heads up dule-vu. I hadn't played at poker stars for months because of the rake changes and the fact that they think we're dumb ^^

I took those 2 free tickets and won both games. I beat 6 players in the first one and won only 1,50$ (shittiest prize ever), then beat 5 players and won 3$ (again smallest prize in the draw but not as bad).
Doesn't make me want to deposit. That format is shitty. You have to be lucky to win a SnG in only 20 hands. #morerakeisbetter #myass Big Smile

I don't think I'll be using the deposit promo for the reasons stated above.

Nothing good to say about Amaya corporation they are already in the process of ruining Poker Stars.

well I guess its good to earn a couple of free tickets for no deposit required, a shoutout goes to bowie and damosk for their creativity in front of ever blue monitors, you both are real keyboard ninja's, hats off Worship I got this offer too, but still pondering whether I want to reinstall stars crapware

as I see,some member had free tickets!dont know did they got mail also or just this code work for them!I am glad that some of you have this two tickets!
TheMachineQC you could use this tickets on normal spin & go with 3 players,not this max!this is hard,when you dont know with how many players you will play and then even if you win,you have to choose from three prizes!

I tried to get tickets for this code ...... but as I expected the code did not work .... maybe this code only leaks from some countries or some players ..... in any case I did not get anything ... It's certainly sad but I hope that soon a code will appear that will work for me

I think this is a very good promotion, because every player even eith mo bankroll left to play can use these teo free tickets and habe some chances to ein money and then if they are lucky tehn they can try to play so!e other tournaments and maybe create a good bankroll for themselves with no money

Posted by pajalnick:
I tried to get tickets for this code ...... but as I expected the code did not work .... maybe this code only leaks from some countries or some players ..... in any case I did not get anything ... It's certainly sad but I hope that soon a code will appear that will work for me

well maybe you will get mail with some promotion from poker stars!maybe you need to get mail,like I did got and where they say what promotion you have and how to use this!dont know did other members got mail,when this code worked for them!but I am glad that others had benefits from this!

Posted by dule-vu:
Posted by pajalnick:
I tried to get tickets for this code ...... but as I expected the code did not work .... maybe this code only leaks from some countries or some players ..... in any case I did not get anything ... It's certainly sad but I hope that soon a code will appear that will work for me

well maybe you will get mail with some promotion from poker stars!maybe you need to get mail,like I did got and where they say what promotion you have and how to use this!dont know did other members got mail,when this code worked for them!but I am glad that others had benefits from this!

I have turned off alerts from Stars so I do not receive any emails from them .... I probably need to immediately log into my account and turn on notifications so as not to miss good suggestions ..... I turned off alerts because nothing interesting in these emails I did not received ...... maybe it's my fault Aww crap!

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BankrollMob Forum » Poker Forum » Free Spin & Go Max tickets - no deposit required

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