Have you already watched this funny movie featuring Kevin Hart and Usain Bolt trying to get each other to fail in figuring out which one of their three statements about themselves is a bluff?
With Daniel Negreanu acting as the referee, as usual, he said at the beginning of the video: What we're going to do here is to work on your bluffing skills as well as reading skills. You're going to read t[...] Read more » PokerStars' Kevin Hart vs Usain Bolt - You Lose, You Get Shocked Challenge
Joined: Mar '11
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These guys seem to be having a great time of late and it is the most unlikely double act i have seen for a while. Both of them are naturally funny and i hope to see more of these videos
Joined: Jan '14
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would have liked Kevin Hart to get into the ice water a few months ago. Was fearful and did not come in but Usain Bolt he was more brave and went in ice water. A little idea would be for kevin hart to run and usain bolt to make jokes. To be amusing of course and Daniel Negreanu to laugh.
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I watched the video. It was a funny one. Of course because kevin hart was in. They took a while after the first video, with the cold water, unless i have missed one They are making such buzzers for home games also
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well I guess its a nice effort form pokerstars to keep customers happy and engaged, also throw in a few celebrities and the picture get more and more interesting. probably stars are feeling the pressure from its peers and are upping up their marketing efforts.
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It's a very interesting video and not a bad marketing idea. Usain Bolt looks so big and tall in the video! Is he about 6'4" (195 cm)? And I didn't even know Daniel Negreanu was taller than Kevin Hart.
BankrollMob Forum » News » PokerStars' Kevin Hart vs Usain Bolt - You Lose, You Get Shocked Challenge