Joined: Feb '12
Location: Latvia
Age: 31 (M)
Posts: 263
Mhm i guess i was too late to rail you and have a chat ... One thing that i have to say if you are willing to continue this thing , then you should set up that you record the stream and after wards people can watch your videos , as i would be glad to take a peek of what happened and how did you end up !
Joined: May '12
Location: United Kingdom
Age: 39 (M)
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Posted by Samarietis: Mhm i guess i was too late to rail you and have a chat ... One thing that i have to say if you are willing to continue this thing , then you should set up that you record the stream and after wards people can watch your videos , as i would be glad to take a peek of what happened and how did you end up !
Yeah, I certainly will be recording when playing "real" games... just getting a bit of practice in.
Joined: Feb '13
Location: Canada
Age: 47 (M)
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Hey bud just wanted to say it was great chatting with you this afternoon(my time). I think you'll be great after a few more runs on there. I think watching you guys play and the ability to talk immediately about certain plays can only be a positive for our games. I love being able to hear that I'm doing the right or wrong thing and being able to adjust immediately.
Good luck with the future streams and i'll drop in regularly to say hi and chat bruv. 'll be notified when you go live each time.
Joined: Jan '14
Location: Romania
Age: 45 (M)
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I pressed in twitch tv to watch if you're online. I do not know what it is. You want to show us how you play poker online? to show us your ways to become a better player? or it's about something else interesting? I hope you will be watched by as many users as possible.