Joined: Oct '11
Location: Sweden
Age: 33 (M)
Posts: 1410
I don't really have any good movie that you should watch but I do know of a mobie that you should avoid at all cost! It's probably one of the worst movies ever made with a really low budget. The trailer however makes it look way better then what it actually is.
The name of this movie is "47 Meters Down". Remember this name, and if you see a trailer for that movie and think it looks good, remember my post and then think to yourself that "nah, maybe not"
Joined: Apr '17
Location: Argentina
Age: 37 (M)
Posts: 584
I really have several that I like but since we are from different countries, there are some that do not know what you share ... but I like action, comedy and adventure mostly where the actors are Jacky Chan and Dwayne Johnson .. They make the truth kill haha