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Mob calendar,3 days,3 prizes  0   
in last three days I got one prize every day!two days ago I got 50 mob shots,yesterday again 50 mob shots (I thought not again this prizes,I dont like mob safe ),but this morning I got 500 mob points and it was after long time to get high mob points prize!
thanks BRM!

Gigantic congratulations go out to our fellow mobster dule-vu for winning a Mob Calendar prize three days in a row. You are on a roll. I don't remember the last time I won the prize two or more days in a row.

Well done, I open like 100 doors in this month, AND STILL DIDNT WON ANYTHING.. just amazing ! Sad

congratulations on winning prizes dule-vu Thumbs Up I do not have much luck this month Sad After many days without awards I finally got 100 mobdraw tickets for the draw on Sunday Smile I hope I may be a lucky winner of the main prize Blink good luck to all this sunday

Congratulations, dule-vu, on having such a lucky streak! I also haven't been that lucky this month. I won only 3 prizes, 2 of them were on the same day at the very beginning of the month, and another one about 10 days ago.

It is always a very nice feeling whenever you get a win on the calendar. You can often go a long time without winning but when you do it is great. The last win i had was 50 mob safe shots, which i went on to open the safe with, so it was a double whammy!!

thanks guys Thumbs Up !it was good stike for me,no matter what prize was!today I didnt got anything,so everything is stopped for now!maybe because I made this thread and now system dont like me anymore Big Smile !just joking!wish all of you more luck on calendar!

today I got first prize in february and it was 200 mob points!very nice to see message like this and to get mob points prize!now I can see different time of winning and maybe this tactic should be in future!thanks BRM on another prize Thumbs Up

Congratulations on you calendar winnings, also this month i won on 1st, 3rd and 4th and i hit the maximum prize of 1000 points, after that I try to open every day every door and there is no luck at this moment. Hope things will change soon.

Aww crap! Aww crap! Aww crap! wins in the calendar .......... auuuuuuuuuuuuu .... where did you disappear ???? .... I have not received a single win in this game for a long time ..... maybe that this year there will be no such joy as in 2017 ... in 2017 I received more than 14000 points as prizes Worship

Posted by dule-vu:
in last three days I got one prize every day!two days ago I got 50 mob shots,yesterday again 50 mob shots (I thought not again this prizes,I dont like mob safe ),but this morning I got 500 mob points and it was after long time to get high mob points prize!
thanks BRM!

I was planned to create new topic, because... I've today won two times door after door - same prize - 50 MobSafe Shots... but it's pretty unusual. But I love that Blink BRM is more generous to me lately Blink
You can see - - those 2 winnings are from today, from 2 openings! Blink

Congrats! Not easy to do this year.

Congratulations, Mysik86! It's really a rare occasion to win 2 same prizes in 2 consecutive doors. I had a similar case in January - I won 2 different prizes on the same day. It's also true that in this year MobCalendar awards less prizes than in last year Sad

yeah,its nice to hit two prize in one hour!I had winnings like that,for example two times 200 mob points in one hour,door after door!even if there is mob shots (which I dont like),its good to see this message that you are winner!

My last few awards on the calendar are just 50 mob shots Smile I got another 50 mob shots and now I'm waiting for one or two such awards and the operation begins Smile opening the mob safe SmileI hope I will be able to open the mob safe with 500 attempts


Congratulation for all winner Smile I won 50 mob shot few time but didn't crack the save. How about you all mob shot winner ? Did you use it or safe/collect it until win again ? getting harder for me crack that safe Sad

any player who is a user of this site may accumulate 800 mob shots maximum. These shots you can win with the mob calendar or buy them if you have in your account mob points. A shot costs 5 mob points. It takes time to accumulate these points but when you have 800 mob shots you have 80% chances to crack the safe. Good Luck

another prize for me and another 200 mob points Big Smile !very nice from BRM and calendar and its good that again its mob points prize!what to say then that I can hope that this will continue!now I am at 2450 mob points!

Posted by CALICUL:
any player who is a user of this site may accumulate 800 mob shots maximum. These shots you can win with the mob calendar or buy them if you have in your account mob points. A shot costs 5 mob points. It takes time to accumulate these points but when you have 800 mob shots you have 80% chances to crack the safe. Good Luck

Thanks for your info Smile

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