31-Jan-18, 11:58 #1
Posted 31-Jan-18, 11:58
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Age: 39 (M)
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Sitting 3 of 5 with $1k up top.... $237 locked up so far. I'm not streaming it, but am recording... Let's take it down!
31-Jan-18, 12:03 #2
Posted 31-Jan-18, 12:03
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take it down yout ------------ 700$ from deal nice
Edited by StheP (31 January 2018 @ 12:20 GMT)
31-Jan-18, 12:23 #3
Posted 31-Jan-18, 12:23
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Made a deal 3-handed... all very even chip stacks. Deal was ~$700 each plus $100 for the win.... As soon as we dealt, I lost 66<QT and A9<KJ all in pre to bust in 3rd. Would have been $486.57 for 3rd without the deal, so I'm glad I convinced them to go for it
31-Jan-18, 13:18 #4
Posted 31-Jan-18, 13:18
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Nice win congrats man
31-Jan-18, 13:23 #5
Posted 31-Jan-18, 13:23
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Posted by arsenej1 : Nice win congrats man
Thanks bud. Disappointed I couldn't get the win.... not so much for the extra 100 bucks.... I just like winning Very happy with the result regardless ------------https://www.starswinningmoments.com/?sku=5a71b61ee7867b...
Edited by yout85 (31 January 2018 @ 14:24 GMT)
31-Jan-18, 14:48 #6
Posted 31-Jan-18, 14:48
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Holy s h i t Bro! Massive congrats on already finding that groove and final tbaling this great run! An amazing accomplishment so quickly after coming back to the tables and huge BR builder for your challenge. Keep it up mate and hopefully we'll see each other on the tables soon enough. ------------ What a sick hand mate! Lucky taht board paired or the flush would have killed ya! Man the underdogs really get it good in that situation. ------------ How is this thread not getting more love ? The big homie Yout gets a big cah like this and oly like 4 other replys? Weak sauce this forum. Again congrats mate on the awesome accomplishment!!!!!
Edited by TheIrish77 (01 February 2018 @ 05:16 GMT)
1-Feb-18, 06:09 #7
Posted 1-Feb-18, 06:09
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Congratulations mate , another very good achievement by you! Now I think you feel very confident about your upcoming challenge. If you continue to play that way there, may be you'll set a ROI record for 1 session of all time
1-Feb-18, 23:05 #8
Posted 1-Feb-18, 23:05
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Boom! Gigantic congratulations to our fellow forumite "yout85" for finishing in third place in the tournament and for scooping nearly US$700. I absolutely love your winning moment video! That's so cool! Good luck with your next session.