Joined: Aug '07
Location: Malta
Age: 41 (M)
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Well, the police does tweet "No, you may not ride your horse on the freeway, and certainly not while intoxicated.", so he probably would have caught if he drove anything not allowed on the highway.
Joined: Mar '14
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Age: 50 (M)
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Yes, absolutely. Driving or riding vehicles incapable of maintaining a certain minimum speed on a highway will be considered violation of traffic regulations. He got arrested for DUI (or RUI in this case) on his 29th birthday, and his bail was set at $10,000, which is relatively high for a misdemeanor. His joyride ended with trip to an overcrowded county jail. I bet he didn't see that coming.
Well iff he had a motor attach to the horse,.. and he was doing 90 mph that it was all good Except the fact he was drunk ofcourse,.. Dont the have a clip from that would be funny to see that,.. Imagine u hit horse with 90 mph that would be a dissaster
Joined: Dec '11
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Age: 37 (M)
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Haahah things that happen around the world. You never tired of this. It´s like he said, when you think you´ve seen or heard everything, you haven´t and facts always shows it. Maybe it was a racehorse and got a lot of speed. A few points less on his license Talking serously, it´s dangerous beyond the joke. This kind of people eventually hurt somebody.