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Posted by maragatero:
Posted by CALICUL:
Posted by pajalnick: challendges-redeem in client 888poker
For me is no possibility to buy tickets because nothing appears with these tournaments ( I think Romanian players are restricted ) but thank you very much and good luck with all tournaments.
You have the same pokr's client CALICUL? I will attached a pictures for you... But, in the right side, below the Cashier button (Cajero) you have a link Challenges (Retos). There, in a menu tab, you have three options: Challenges (retos), Exchange (canjear) and How works (como funciona). Make a click in Exchange and you could have the ticket with 10 golden chips. Or you said that you didn't have the tournament in the menu? Good luck CALICUL!
Thank you for your pics Maragatero but is 888 abuse with these restrictions.
Posted by Sandmanilo:
Posted by maragatero: Yes Sandmanilo, the newest tournament in 888 seems good. I played yesterday the first $ 6000 and got $ 1,20 when I was near 1000 place. Today I will try to play the other newest $ 1500 something, that have 3 minutes to change the blinds. They taked notice than 2 minutes blinds was too crazy, it isn't it? Good luck in the tables for all!
Yes maragatero, 2 minute levels are a bit fast. I prefer 3-4 minutes, but no longer than it, because don't like to play for a long time for not big money. Congratulations on your winnings! CALICUL, I'm sorry that this promo isn't available for Romania... i think they should remove these stupid restrictions.
You are right Sandmanilo and this is the situation.
a very strange situation as it seems to me .... the restriction of some countries to freerolls seems to me discrimination on the basis of nationality and maybe this action 888poker will violate your rights .... Of course poker rooms may have their own rules in different situations but this is wrong as I think
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I think (but don´t know) that the problems are in the rules that each country propose to the poker´s room. For example: taxes levels. Perhaps some country includes restriction to the game´s tipes, because that country have a normative frame that try to punishment the gamblering. But the news that give to us CALICUL is that there isn´t some of the tournament of the clasic menu. This is rare, it isn´t it?
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I think it's possible as these restrictions to be due to the license. The National Gaming Office in my country in 2016 blocked all poker rooms, bettting, casinos or lotto who did not pay the license. Those who paid the license were pokerstars, 888, unibet, netbet and a Romanian room. Now ps, 888 and unibet is active because two more rooms gave up. Since 888poker pays the license many games disappeared and many freerolls same. Since then, 888 blocking the BRM games in my country which are FREE for all players in the world. I think it's like a kind of revenge from 888 because they were forced to pay the license and fees in Romania and i am
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Live to learn...what a history! Really CALICUL I think that you need to speak, nice and slowly, with Mr. Administrator. He knows the way about fix this kind of trouble. He could make a propose that nobody will can refuse... He could make this works for a ridiculous fee about 99% of your profit...a gift!
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Calicul my friend I think your country is the only one with such restrictions,I think 888poker has players from all over the world and everyone plays on a free roll tournament and I'm sorry that you have no chance to play all the free roll tournament
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The 888poker administrator can not do anything. I sent some emails to ask why romanians players can not play in BRM tournaments (these tournaments are free for all and no restrictions). Their responses were childish. When i told them that BRM tournaments are for everything their last answer was: romanians are on and the tournaments are on A great lie because we play tournaments with other nationalities ( europeans, south america, canada, mexic or more).
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Posted by CALICUL: The 888poker administrator can not do anything. I sent some emails to ask why romanians players can not play in BRM tournaments (these tournaments are free for all and no restrictions). Their responses were childish. When i told them that BRM tournaments are for everything their last answer was: romanians are on and the tournaments are on A great lie because we play tournaments with other nationalities ( europeans, south america, canada, mexic or more).
Hey CALICUL you could move on and make a change of location... I have a big (and old) house with many rooms (I already offered it to ligador37), you could come here and I rent to you a room very cheap. You only have to get chips and cards and share some spirituous liquor for the poker weekend´s parties!
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Argentina it's too far to make my mutation there. It would be an interesting thing because i would visit some places and i could play poker in several rooms but i also need two jobs with reduced program for me and my woman. About the spirituous liqueur would be the easiest thing to do because it's not expensive.
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I also have a problem with 888poker It takes more than a month I can not buy tickets for this new promotion,I can not see how much gold coin I have,challenges does not work I can not do anything,I can only see the bonus and the free play which I have
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Posted by vaci38: I also have a problem with 888poker It takes more than a month I can not buy tickets for this new promotion,I can not see how much gold coin I have,challenges does not work I can not do anything,I can only see the bonus and the free play which I have
this happens regularly in 888poker. Many mobsters have this problem and is very ugly.
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Yes CALICUL, recently one romanian mob maked a thread asking for the same problems. I wrote there: "Ask to CALICUL, he has tryed all the ways but he was more and more angry" You are a reference of bad treatment of a poker´s room... I´m sorry with that!
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this new promotion is not good for me because I do not have tickets for this tournament $6000 Pirates Reward tournament Every spin on wheel does not bring anything to me and I did not get any prizes for days
Posted by vaci38: this new promotion is not good for me because I do not have tickets for this tournament $6000 Pirates Reward tournament Every spin on wheel does not bring anything to me and I did not get any prizes for days
hmmm .... well, for example, if you open the door to the calendar, you also rarely win ..... there is about the same thing but the options for winning more .... today I turned the wheel and got two tickets for freerolls of 1000 dollars .. ... in the general I received 2 tickets three times already
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I am deeply disappointed by this 888poker room in this moment. Most freerolls he has are turbo or blinds at 2-3-4 minutes, other games are restricted and i'm happy to play some games but they have very few players and that bothers me. What way would i have to make money here because conditions are against me.
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Posted by vaci38: this new promotion is not good for me because I do not have tickets for this tournament $6000 Pirates Reward tournament Every spin on wheel does not bring anything to me and I did not get any prizes for days
Oh vaci38 you make me to remember me about 3 month ago... I didn´t had any prizes of the wheel about three or four month (I think I telled it..). I was very angry. I wrote many time to the 888 suport and explain they that it no was a posible random result. It was no way a variance interference. I shouted and I drowned in my own anger, but nothing was happened. And then, when the wheel changed again, I began to won every day. Take it easy, be patient my friend!
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To spin the wheel of fortune you have to made a deposit,otherwise you are allowed just one spin each month.And all prizes in casino or sport betting come with roll on terms,in casino bet six times the size of bonus(but not all games are 100% accountable,for example roulette is 20% ,so you get 10 and have to bet 300 to clear the bonus)
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pajalnick my friend i do not want to get tickets for that tournament $1500 lucky chip tournament for that tournament I have several tickets , I want to play another tournament $6000 pirates rewards tournament maragatero I know I need patience but now there are a small number of players at this tournament and it is an opportunity to take a good amount of money I would buy tickets for this tournament but I can not open the challenges and it is terribly nervous
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Posted by vaci38: pajalnick my friend i do not want to get tickets for that tournament $1500 lucky chip tournament for that tournament I have several tickets , I want to play another tournament $6000 pirates rewards tournament maragatero I know I need patience but now there are a small number of players at this tournament and it is an opportunity to take a good amount of money I would buy tickets for this tournament but I can not open the challenges and it is terribly nervous
I understand vaci38, is very irritating read all days about our gift and you couldn´t access it. But, if you want to play the $ 6000 Pirates, you know that you can to change your golden chips (10 golden = 1 ticket), it isn´t it? I also couldn´t won tickets in the wheel, so I changed it for GCH
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my friend maragatero I know I can buy tickets for that tournament I have over 5000 gold coins but the problem is I can not open the challenges where I can buy tickets I have this problem for 2 months ,I can not even see how many gold coins I have