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your money will be soon on your account,so you dont have to worry about anything,everything will be ok and then its up to you what will you do with money!but good luck with you play online and write if you win something big!
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October last year was the last time I made a cash out I waited 7 days for money to come to my account so do not worry about money soon you'll get money on your accounts,I do not have much luck with the mob calendar but by the end of this month I will make a cash out again
Like always,..bankrollmob,..payed me out,.. And that in one week, all depends when u cash out,. This site just like williamhill are my two favorits,.. And thats why i am a member since 2008 ,.. At this SuperB site a++++ Bankrollmob never lett u down
Posted by CALICUL: The BankrollMob is the best. The coolest site in this industry.
Yes, I agree with this CALICUL. Bankrollmob is the best site. Congratulations LIKEIT27 on your payment, and your recent MobSafe win! Now it will be not a long time for your next cashout
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Posted by LIKEIT27: Like always,..bankrollmob,..payed me out,.. And that in one week, all depends when u cash out,. This site just like williamhill are my two favorits,.. And thats why i am a member since 2008 ,.. At this SuperB site a++++ Bankrollmob never lett u down
Congratulations. Money always comes! Agree, this site it's awsome. Too les than a week for me. I think also depends on how many withdrawals tehy have to pay, maybe. Use it well! and start accumulating again! I have 100 tickets to mob draw need a lot of luck!
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Location: Macedonia, The former Yugoslav Republic of
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congratulations on the payment LIKEIT27 and I hope you will use this money in the best possible way Ligador37 I see you've been a member of our bankrollmob for a long time but you have a small number of posts you are not so active in the forum
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Congratulation on your payout and now use it on something good!its nice when you come to 5000 mob points and you know that payout will be soon!I am now at 3750 mob points and with few post and maybe some hit at mob calendar I will be close to 5000 mob points!
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LIKEIT27, I am glad to hear that your MobPoints transfer request has been processed, and that you have received your funds. I have never had a single problem cashing out my MobPoints. Good luck with your games.
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That's very nice. Congratulations with your winnings. I have to gain a bit more pointe for a cashout. I'm at 3200 points now. Hope to reach the 5000 soon. Good luck y'all
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Posted by vaci38: congratulations on the payment LIKEIT27 and I hope you will use this money in the best possible way Ligador37 I see you've been a member of our bankrollmob for a long time but you have a small number of posts you are not so active in the forum
I registered a long time ago, and usually participated in the table of leaders of the freerolls organized by BRM in Pokerstars. But I had no idea of all things what BRM offered. That's why it was not much to write and did not understand the operation of the site. Little by little I will be integrating more to BRM.
Posted by vaci38: congratulations on the payment LIKEIT27 and I hope you will use this money in the best possible way Ligador37 I see you've been a member of our bankrollmob for a long time but you have a small number of posts you are not so active in the forum
I registered a long time ago, and usually participated in the table of leaders of the freerolls organized by BRM in Pokerstars. But I had no idea of all things what BRM offered. That's why it was not much to write and did not understand the operation of the site. Little by little I will be integrating more to BRM.
It's the same dtory for me. I registered more than 8 years ago, participated in some leaderboards and freerolls, but have figured out that BRM has a lot more features only 3 months ago
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it's a good idea to find after several years what kind of site it is The BankrollMob. I have heard of them through the freerolls offered by BRM in full tilt and pokerstars. After that i created an account in 2014. After that i played in the mob calendar and with time i learned something. I heard about the forum... after two years and approximate six months. Anyway BRM is very good.
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Posted by CALICUL: it's a good idea to find after several years what kind of site it is The BankrollMob. I have heard of them through the freerolls offered by BRM in full tilt and pokerstars. After that i created an account in 2014. After that i played in the mob calendar and with time i learned something. I heard about the forum... after two years and approximate six months. Anyway BRM is very good.
Yes, it took me a long time to realize everything I was offering. I only used it for freerolls and also the calendar. But of the rest he had no idea. Luckily I realized now. I hope to recover the lost time. Excellent site without any doubt
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Location: Macedonia, The former Yugoslav Republic of
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I'm so sorry you've missed so much money so far both from the calendar and point of writing the message at forum but it's never too late to compensate for the lost more people write on the forum is better for all of us because you can read very important information in the forum good luck
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I think there are many who have not learned about this but it's ok because BRM he does not want to enrich us all. If many mobsters would find out about it then the awards would shrink and things would be bad. It is good that this site has many users and i hope it will last a long time from now on.
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Posted by CALICUL: I think there are many who have not learned about this but it's ok because BRM he does not want to enrich us all. If many mobsters would find out about it then the awards would shrink and things would be bad. It is good that this site has many users and i hope it will last a long time from now on.
Yes, lately I have seen many users with few messages in the forum. It's a sign that they do not know their benefits. It may be possible that you say, but I'm not so sure. They also give us points for attracting more people to the site, right? To reduce rewards users would not be very motivated to attract them. But maybe I'm wrong
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Location: Macedonia, The former Yugoslav Republic of
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Posted by vaci38: I'm so sorry you've missed so much money so far both from the calendar and point of writing the message at forum but it's never too late to compensate for the lost more people write on the forum is better for all of us because you can read very important information in the forum good luck
I agree with you that here you can read very important information in the forum, you have members sharing promotion info where many players participate and they are gaining some winnings. Every dollar is welcomed here at bankrollmob.
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this thing by attracting friends or other people was valid before but now i don't know because have not read these rules anymore. Maybe the rules are the same or may have changed. I tried once to recommend a friend who was at me at that moment. I created his account BRM, i recommended him but no points. I probably did something wrong and BRM block my account(i think my bad english) and after one email has been reopened in few days. Rules can be found here - I hope you do not recommend many friends for the awards not to fall. this thing is possible and...