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for the moment I have not recommended anyone. I have thought about doing it but my friends are not many of the poker or games related to the site. Maybe I'll do it at some point but if I do it, many people will not. only a few
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well they dont have to be poker players!they can just do favour to you and register to site,upload documents and then maybe if they want to take something for free,some no deposit offer!but they can still play mob games and will cost them nothing,just few minutes per day!
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Posted by dule-vu: well they dont have to be poker players!they can just do favour to you and register to site,upload documents and then maybe if they want to take something for free,some no deposit offer!but they can still play mob games and will cost them nothing,just few minutes per day!
Yes I know. But what was going on was that it's easier for them to do the favor if they also receive some benefit, and maybe they do not see it that way if it's something they do not care about.
Anyway, I can begin to recommend little by little and see how I am doing. Maybe little by little they also start liking something from BRM. We'll see what happens
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ligador37 better to catch someone who already plays poker or someone who plays on the slots then you can help him a lot here he can find many useful things not just starting bankroll,he can also see the many free promotions that we now use I think everyone will be grateful to you
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Posted by vaci38: ligador37 better to catch someone who already plays poker or someone who plays on the slots then you can help him a lot here he can find many useful things not just starting bankroll,he can also see the many free promotions that we now use I think everyone will be grateful to you
Yeah, maybe. Perhaps there are other games that tehy may like. In my case I'm not much of the slots, but maybe they like it. And for those games I know there are many promotions at all times. Maybe I'll end up falling into those haha promotions. For the moment I prefer poker, and some sports bet-
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yeah,maybe this is problem when people are not is this "business" and they dont play anything from this games (poker,casino,betting) in life,so its hard to explain them what will they get if they register at BRM!but maybe you will find some people who can use promotions at this site!
Most off the people i know are not that mutch off a gambler ore poker player like me O well last Sunday, i made another cashout, bankrollmob,.. I won two times a save in like 100 shots I cashed out sunday, i am expecting(hopefully) it today Lets see maybe going to gamble some of the cash
Congratulations, LIKEIT27 on your cashout! I'm also think that you'll receive it today, as Friday has been a cashout day here at Bankrollmob last several weeks, as we know from other happy mobsters' posts
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you had lot winnings at mob safe and nice payout for you!if you dont get today money,it will be on account in next day!its not 100 % that money will be today!but congratulations on very nice winning and spend money on good stuffs or just play something online!
I dunno last time i had it on thursday Dule-vu ,.. But its okay i use skrill soo most off the time when they pay , wont take long its there And i am sometimes very lucky with the safe ,..but also have sometimes 200 shots ore more and nothing
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Congratulations for your new withdraw! It is always good to be able to draw a sum of money towards one's treasury.
I also think that today may be the big day, maybe in a few hours. The important thing is that the money will arrive. So do not despair! Good luck in what you do with that sum
Posted by ligador37: Congratulations for your new withdraw! It is always good to be able to draw a sum of money towards one's treasury.
I also think that today may be the big day, maybe in a few hours. The important thing is that the money will arrive. So do not despair! Good luck in what you do with that sum
Thnx man and i totaly agree with u money will come, no worries about that
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Location: Macedonia, The former Yugoslav Republic of
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Congratulations on the new cash out LIKEIT27 several times you managed to open the mob safe and so you have another cash out for a short period again congratulation I hope that by the end of this month I will make cash out
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well its not always on same date or it have some exact time!before it was always on friday,but in last year or two it can be on different days!I know that I have record at BRM,where my money was at skrill in just 1 minute!I think it was friday!
I made a cache out on March 21 and until the money came to my account in the PP ..... so I think that payments on Fridays it certainly does not correspond to the truth ..... I remember when the payments I waited about two weeks ... Possible payments are made once in two weeks.
Pajalnick ,..i cant make out youre post,..iff you got the money already?? I cashed out on 18 march,...and its not yet in my skrill,.. Its indeed not always on friday,..sometimes i recieved it on mondays,..ore thuesdays.
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there is not exact date and you dont have any specific time when you will get money!you need to wait till you get money on account or when somebody from BRM stuff write to you that you will get money on specific date!on every other situation you can just wait and there is not guarantees when you will get money,but it will be soon!