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Gus Hansen returns to compete at ‘Poker After Dark'

Gus Hansen shall compete on Wednesday night at ‘Poker After Dark' in a high-stakes PLO cash game, thereby marking the comeback of the Danish pro since his first appearance on the show since 2010. One of the poker boom's most-entertaining poker personalities, ‘The Great Dane' distanced from the high-stakes scene for a few years, and now, he returns. It's actually great news for fans wh[...]   Read more » Gus Hansen returns to compete at ‘Poker After Dark'

Gus Hansen returns to compete at ‘Poker After Dark'  0   
It would be nice to watch again Gus Hansen's perfomance at poker tables. I loved this show, and it's sad that they cancelled it after the Black Friday. Also I hope that some other players from the old show will join this.

Gus Hanson was always fun to watch. People just never knew what to put him on because he could literally be playing damn near anything at any time.
Hope he does well on this his return to Television

It will be great to see Gus Hansen back playing on this show. Poker After Dark was always one of my favourite poker shows and i still watch old repeats. Looking forward to this

i miss these shows , i tried watching the new ones and they dont have the same feeling
i find them boring , hopefully getting the same guys back would change that
Gus has always being one of my favorite , i like his play
he just dont care , one crazy poker player

hello my friends
That is a very good news for the poker fans because Gus Hansen was nad still is a awesome player that always put on a good show
I spended several nights wathcing epic battles between him and Ivey Worship and other great players it´s nice to have in back Thumbs Up

Gus Hansen lost 21 millions dollars in full tilt. Incredible. Probably belongs to a family of millionaires if he only earned 10 millions in live tournaments. I think he is the most unlucky pro player online. It is good that he came back but if he will play online i hope he does not lose millions. Smile

We keep hearing of him a lot lately.
It seems he has funds again Smile
He is a good player, that is the truth, but a bit aggressive in his games.
I have watched him play a couple of times, and i can say he is the most aggressive player i have ever seen.

the turn of a giant has always been and always will be a much better player and experienced as a premier and big loss, but always a great pleasure to see a player of this caliber playing

he is not the only caliber player in the world of poker but he is the one who lost many millions in a single poker room full tilt. In my opinion he should play live because there he has more talent. In this way he will not repeat that bad period of his life with online poker. Smile I think you agree with this.

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