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Common misconception  0   
And how to deal with it. Alot of people make the mistake thinking poker players are gamblers, when they are not. Poker players use math to figure out there odds of winning the hand they are playing,other poker players relly on their gut feeling based on previous situations they have been in comparing them to the situation they are in at the moment looking for a pattern. The actual procentage that luck plays a roll is small,i would say 10 to 15%, it does play a roll, but not a significant one, not like in rullet game. So plzzzz learn the diference between a gambler and a poker player,it willhelp you a lot in becoming a better poker player.

But if game has random factor, it is treated by many governments like gambling. This is the current situation of poker in Poland - it's gambling. I know that the skills and maths are major factors in this game, but you can't win with politics, unfortunately...

who upset you bro?

dont know are you mad on somebody or you just want to make discussion Big Smile !is this because goverments make restrictions about playing poker or you just read something on internet!but its not same to play poker on internet and live,on internet is more gamblers game!

SBEP my friend if you're thinking good about what you're talking you will see that every type of money invests in risk is gambling Blink you say that the skill of playing poker is very important, as well as maths but when you putting your money in something and you do not know if you will get or lose then it is gambling Big Smile That's my opinion maybe I'm wrong Confused

Posted by vaci38:
SBEP my friend if you're thinking good about what you're talking you will see that every type of money invests in risk is gambling Blink you say that the skill of playing poker is very important, as well as maths but when you putting your money in something and you do not know if you will get or lose then it is gambling Big Smile That's my opinion maybe I'm wrong Confused

when you put money in, in poker you know how many % you will win money in that situation, and how many time you will lose... so in long run its not gamble... its pure math Blink

I almost always lose my money on poker Big Smile so i play only free roll tournaments where I can not lose anything Blink Big Smile everybody knows their risk when something starts but if we talk about % then it is the same when playing roulette or black jack,I read something about a man who was banned from playing black jack because he remembered hundreds of cards and never lost money on the black jack

but on rulette yu never have 50%+ chance to win money (pot) but in poker you have, and you want to maximize your profit when you know you are preaty much ahead... so again cannot compare roulette or blackjack on poker, because both of them in long run is -EV, when in poker, only your skill decide how much profitable you will be

if I think so then I'm not a player since I do not use mathematical formulas for poker .... of course math helps in the game of poker but there is an accident factor and it's big .... so I think that the game of poker is not a sport ... but of course this is just my opinion ... maybe I'm wrong

You are right SBEP. Because of this there are good players and weak players. A player's strategy makes you earn money from poker and luck counts few percents.
vaci38 these casinos refuse to pay the winnings of a player who keeps the cards in mind of the blackjack game. He earns money and this is annoying for casinos. Those players who do this are considered dangerous. I do not know what the law says about it but the dealer does the same thing with the players when casinos earn your money in blackjack.

Posted by dule-vu:
dont know are you mad on somebody or you just want to make discussion Big Smile !is this because goverments make restrictions about playing poker or you just read something on internet!but its not same to play poker on internet and live,on internet is more gamblers game!

Hmmmm...I don´t think so dule-vu my friend. On internet You miss a wonderfull part of poker named "the tells". You can see your opponent and look for in his gestures and vissages if he is bluffing or not. That you cann´t do in the virtual playing. Even You cann´t look for these in his cadence or rithm´s playing, because there will can be a connection problem, or he get up and go for a coffee. But all other things (and more) that wrote SBEP are there. The luck are there too and named "variance", but you can make some control on the results Blink

Im gonna go on a little rant, but i feel i have to, i am not gonna name names as to who thinks poker is gambling, but i came across a lot of people not only on this forum but other forums as well that still think poker is nothing but gamble, as i said before its not, for online poker u have to rely more on the math then when u play live poker, coz in live poker u have more information for you to use like tells, there are also tells in online poker but not as many for example size betting, time taken for decision, thats about it, where as in live poker you have more tells, from body language and also the previous online tells about the size betting and time spent to make a decision, its all about pattern recognition along side with math, and you have a decent amount of information to make a decision, of course variance plays a roll, no doubt about that, but variance is responsible for the amount of suck outs you have seen while playing poker which % wise its not that much like i said b4 10-15%, but to IGNORE everything else that goes in to making decision while playing poker and to put it all on VARIANCE is just simply IGNORANCE or in worst case ARROGANCE, coz 85-90% its all about information and math, u cant just ignore that fact, if it was up to me, i would make poker especially live NLH poker a subject in school, coz theres a lot of skill in this game that can help you in life, and if i have children one day, i would make sure i tell them and teach them about this game, and im gonna end on something a poker player said, dont remember who was it, but it goes something like this, POKER is like life, your predetermined hand is destiny, but the way you play it, is free will.

Take it easy man, why you be angry? Here and everywhere be people who are thinking in diferent way and it´s no bad. We love poker as a blend of knowledge and character, and other people think that it´s a boring way of bet money. Let it be... I think, and I wrote here a lot of time, that I don´t like betting because I couldn´t spent my money only for hunches. But they make a point with the short time that they need to make circulate the money. It is their emotion, ours is the interpersonal fight. Thought diferent for diferent people. Don´t you think it´s right? Blink

Posted by maragatero:
Posted by dule-vu:
dont know are you mad on somebody or you just want to make discussion Big Smile !is this because goverments make restrictions about playing poker or you just read something on internet!but its not same to play poker on internet and live,on internet is more gamblers game!

Hmmmm...I don't think so dule-vu my friend. On internet You miss a wonderfull part of poker named "the tells". You can see your opponent and look for in his gestures and vissages if he is bluffing or not. That you cann't do in the virtual playing. Even You cann't look for these in his cadence or rithm's playing, because there will can be a connection problem, or he get up and go for a coffee. But all other things (and more) that wrote SBEP are there. The luck are there too and named "variance", but you can make some control on the results Blink

yeah,you miss lot of things on internet poker!I just say that on internet you can gamble a lot,because you can always deposit money and play lot of cash games and tournaments,especially when you are on tilt,but on live poker if you buy in at some tournament and you are out,you can play again and you can spend less money!thats why I think that on internet you have more gamblers!

Posted by dule-vu:
Posted by maragatero:
Posted by dule-vu:
dont know are you mad on somebody or you just want to make discussion Big Smile !is this because goverments make restrictions about playing poker or you just read something on internet!but its not same to play poker on internet and live,on internet is more gamblers game!

Hmmmm...I don't think so dule-vu my friend. On internet You miss a wonderfull part of poker named "the tells". You can see your opponent and look for in his gestures and vissages if he is bluffing or not. That you cann't do in the virtual playing. Even You cann't look for these in his cadence or rithm's playing, because there will can be a connection problem, or he get up and go for a coffee. But all other things (and more) that wrote SBEP are there. The luck are there too and named "variance", but you can make some control on the results Blink

yeah,you miss lot of things on internet poker!I just say that on internet you can gamble a lot,because you can always deposit money and play lot of cash games and tournaments,especially when you are on tilt,but on live poker if you buy in at some tournament and you are out,you can play again and you can spend less money!thats why I think that on internet you have more gamblers!

dule-vu my frien, I think that you are deviating a bit from the main theme...
I think that the question is if the game of poker could be playing like the bets. Obviously, in poker (like in chess or any game) are players who play predominantly following their hunches, and they or another guys will be playing too without any bankroll manage in to much tables (although pro say that you have to manage "buy in" with tables´s quantity -less BI = more table´s quantity- for can have a profitable game).
But the game, live or on line, need calcul and reason, discipline and dispassion. If you blend feelings and hunches with lost in the short and in the long time! In this matter poker is different to bets.
I said! Worship

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