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BankrollMob Forum » Hand Histories » AQ is not the queen :D

AQ is not the queen :D   0   
Situation: my position about 10.000 from 11.000 players left, i have about 14 blinds, ITM at approx. 5000 plrs, no info on my adversary. It is good shove with AQ or not?

nothing you can do there, you have to put it in with AQ

These kinda hands just play theirselves. in this stage with these cards and your stack its the right move to make and its just general bad luck your behind against ak

Yeah, I also think that you had right move. It was bad luck. Remember, that even you had AKs and table had Qxxxx and opponent had even QT, you will lost. So sometimes good chance and prediction, sometimes only luck...

Ace Queen is always one of those hands that can get you into trouble. I am always wary of shoving with this after a raise. With your situation though, i really do not mind the shove and you just run into a better hand

You're absolutely right, mocoteo. Ace Queen is not pocket Queens. Ace Queen is a just a drawing hand, just like Ace King, King Queen, Queen Jack, Jack Ten, Ten Eight, Seven Six, and so on.
Better luck next time.

Yes I think like the tight Mobers and you. You have to see your position, the stacks in the tables and what are doing the others players. Besides 11000 players seems like the early stage of a tournament, there is not good idea make an all in for steal 1,5 cheaps blinds. But all our advise are school´s book, You are there and you know what happen and what you want. Sometime you have to abandon the rules Blink

Just a cooler. It's a standard play. Unfortunately considering the position, the amount of chips you have, the value of the blinds, the movement is correct. These things happen. But you always have to analyze the hand regardless of the result.
For example, if you had done it with ATo, and it would have been 10 (and not K), it would have been badly played, even if you had won the hand.

it seems to me that you played correctly and of course in such a situation when little chips need to take risks ... in this case you were not lucky but this is a game .... when I lost two aces with two kings in my hands, I was also very unhappy ... but you need to play further and hope for the best.

Smile Smile Smile

Edited by maragatero (20 April 2018 @ 14:34 GMT)

Its a kind of hand where u can make argument for both cases, if u played tighter after the flop the action would have been check from you big bet (even if you made a Cbet, ull face raise) from him and on a K99 board with AQ its just a clear fold, the other case is, what u did, 13bb, good hand, up against one player (even not knowing his/her tendencies) with AQ its a good shove...
But u asked if it was a good shove, well i have to say with information on your opponent, and if u had no other options to play the hand YEAH GOOD SHOVE, but the truth is, u HAD more options to play the hand, the fact u didnt have any info on your opponent should have made u play more careful, but u did not, so all in all it was a bad play, i guarantee you i would have had 8K left after that hand, you on the other hand went bust, and thats my honest opinion on this hand.

And the race is on! Worship
In other words,PUSH.

With the blinds and antes already that high compared to your stack size, the push was the right thing to do here. There was just not enough time to wait for an even better hand than AQ.

Usually when i have the stack lower i lose very often with AQ but in this situation i would have called at that raise. I prefer a smaller pair to go all in with it than AQ. When i had AK, all in direct of course but with such situation ( 14 blinds ) and such a hand you can lose anytime. Next time go call and after flop you will see the options.

I´m confuse with some answer of our friends.. Tell to us mocoteo, you asked if AQ was a good hand for Push it, yes? You didn´t telled us about a hand where you losted against any other pair, it isn´t it? Because talk about a cooler (a hand losted justly) or "bad luck", only will have sense if you said that you lost AQ against XX, it isn´t it? Confused

Posted by maragatero:
I'm confuse with some answer of our friends.. Tell to us mocoteo, you asked if AQ was a good hand for Push it, yes? You didn't telled us about a hand where you losted against any other pair, it isn't it? Because talk about a cooler (a hand losted justly) or "bad luck", only will have sense if you said that you lost AQ against XX, it isn't it? Confused

Cooler: It is a hand that has not lost because of an error but because of how the cards came out; a player with a strong hand loses in front of another with a stronger hand. Normally, the player loses a lot of money and there was no way to avoid it by playing correctly.
For example AA vs KK, AA vs AKs. In this case, its a cooler for me.

BankrollMob Forum » Hand Histories » AQ is not the queen :D

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