Joined: Mar '18
Location: Bangladesh
Age: 34 (M)
Posts: 28
hello guys, i have been read all of your thoughts and understand that time is matters to post comment or forum. but nobody could not talking about the right time of posting. i think if we know the right time we can be more active on this site and earn more points as well as i think. here i have some more questions to you guys - like
1. how many post or comments are count in one day? 2. which is the right time to use posting? 3. is there anyone who already able to cash out from bankroll mob? 4. pay table describe that members get 10 points for each post. they why the authority creates additional rules?
track time when you write comments on the forum ... points will be added for comments that will be written with a 24 hour break .... I started writing messages did not immediately understand this system .... the withdrawal of funds I did many times ... on At the moment I collected 79,410 points
Joined: Mar '16
Location: Macedonia, The former Yugoslav Republic of
Age: 50 (M)
Posts: 2527
you wrote to the right place sohelbd77 some of our forum members have answered your questions but to confirm some facts this is the best site you could find You can write messages to the forum whenever you want just read the rules and everything will be clear to you and you will get the money, do not doubt it
Joined: May '09
Location: Croatia
Age: 39 (M)
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you have everything at your account or at forum!you got answers and everything is correct!it mast be over 24 hours to get new points,but you can write at forum as much as you like!and use mob games and everything that BRM have on site and you will collect points faster!