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BankrollMob Forum » » I'm back again

I'm back again  0   
I'm back here ones again, hopefully I won't disappear again! The last disappearance was due to family life and work simply taking up too much time. Things have now settled a little bit for me and I can finally start keeping track of what's happening here on BRM again!

I've also found some time for poker as well. Not much but at least it's something. I've found that due to my limited time, the Sit & Go Hero games at PartyPoker suits me the best. I'm also making a small profit over there so it's all good.

As I said, hoping I'll be able to stick around here for a very long time this time around!

Welcome back mate Smile

Life gets the mos of us, with time away from the internet Smile
Not that it is a bad thing staying away for a while.
Welcome back to the forum, wishing you good luck, with your poker games

well what can I say- good to have you back. also I guess its kinda nice habit you are creating for yourself, disappearing and then coming back again and again Big Smile lots more love from the mobbits when you come back all of a sudden when many mobbits were thinking that, nah this time he is not coming back

Hey welcome back you are still young so dont worry you still have a long lifetime n in poker too. Family and work first no need to rush... Good luck!

family and work of course are very important but I do not quite understand .... did you work there where there is no internet? .... or did you just forget about the BRM a bit and now remembered and decided to stop by to see what was happening ... in any case, I congratulate with the return and good luck in the game

Posted by pochui:
well what can I say- good to have you back. also I guess its kinda nice habit you are creating for yourself, disappearing and then coming back again and again Big Smile lots more love from the mobbits when you come back all of a sudden when many mobbits were thinking that, nah this time he is not coming back

I'll never disappear forever, I love all of my fellow mobsters too much to do that Big Smile

Posted by pajalnick:
family and work of course are very important but I do not quite understand .... did you work there where there is no internet? .... or did you just forget about the BRM a bit and now remembered and decided to stop by to see what was happening ... in any case, I congratulate with the return and good luck in the game

I work as a Correctional Officer, last two years I've moved around a bit within the organisation. I Started out at a facility focused on people that are in custody during an investigation and/or trial. After that I moved on to a low security prison. Then the prison board felt that they needed me at a medium security prison instead so I worked there for a while. After that they decided to move me to a high security prison where I worked for a little bit over 6 months before I was assigned a transporter role. So now I'm doing transports for prisons, police, immigration office and lots of other authorities. Basically, if you've been detained in any way, either as a prisoner or some sort of forced rehab or whatever, I do the transports that are necessary.

It can be a really tough job at times, both mentally and physically, so as you can imagine, there's been a lot of things on my mind lately and not that much time for things that I want to do myself. BRM was one of those things that I, sadly, had to put aside for a while.

Edited by erru9107 (07 July 2018 @ 22:32 GMT)


... Big Smile< ....Hey,....Welcome back dude...!!! Long Time no see...!!! Smile Thumbs Up

... Big Smile< ....Did they finally outlaw public masturbation in Sweden....? I'd bet your job got pretty busy after a while guarding all the public masturbaters...!!! Big Smile Thumbs Up

.... Big Smile< ....That's ONE crazy law you guys have there...!!! Cool

welcome back erru9107,..
Its good when u not here ,..this great site keeps alive,..
they got so many members,..this site will stay here forever Cool
dont be a stranger,..and welcome back again,..enjoy the great site Worship

Posted by demodawggy:

... Big Smile< ....Hey,....Welcome back dude...!!! Long Time no see...!!! Smile Thumbs Up

... Big Smile< ....Did they finally outlaw public masturbation in Sweden....? I'd bet your job got pretty busy after a while guarding all the public masturbaters...!!! Big Smile Thumbs Up

.... Big Smile< ....That's ONE crazy law you guys have there...!!! Cool

Hi, yeah it's been a while! Tongue

That law is still there, however if you do masturbate in public, it could be considered as disorderly conduct and you could get put in front of a judge. However, the most severe punishment for that type of "crime" is just a fine. And if your lawyer points towards that other law, it would possibly be just a small one. However, it would go on your permanent record Tongue

Welcome back to the BankrollMob forum, erru9107.
I worked as a self-employed door supervisor more than a decade ago. It was both physically and mentally demanding job but paid well.
Good luck with your game.

Welcome back mate and I hope that this time you have time for everything hehe and the truth sometimes happens that, between the problems with the family and the laburo does not allow time for other things, and then prioritize the most important thing although for that we must leave other things aside ... We hope to have you more time this time Big Smile Big Smile Big Smile

Thank you all for welcoming me back into the community! I've really missed this place! I hope that my time here will be very long this time around! Hopefully even neverending Big Smile

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