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Age: 49 (M)
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I can't open or see any doors on my mob calendar, all I see is a black screen where the doors should be..anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it?
Joined: Mar '16
Location: Macedonia, The former Yugoslav Republic of
Age: 49 (M)
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two days ago there is a thread on this issue and you can read how to solve the problem ie how to open the calendar and open the doors You have several links that work great and you can use them good luck
only yesterday there was a similar post and it was enough pobrobno and everything is explained clearly .... and here again someone writes about this .... PEOPLE !!!! .... if you have some kind of problem try to read a little at the beginning messages on the forum and then create new posts
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yes and said the same but well ... just looking for the door with the mouse pointer or as the friend said opens that link because the truth that takes a 3 or 4 days I think being like this ...
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There was a similar problem in the past also, due to the flash. The problem probably started when they added the fifa promotion on the same page. It will be fixed when the fifa promotion is gone for good, till the next time.
Joined: Mar '16
Location: Macedonia, The former Yugoslav Republic of
Age: 49 (M)
Posts: 2527
Maybe everybody should make a flash update of course everyone who has a problem with the calendar the same problem appeared to me in the past month, but since I made the update everything is fine