Joined: May '09
Location: Croatia
Age: 39 (M)
Posts: 22928
Dont understand where was my mistake and why my thread is removed from forum?even I didnt insult anybody or write any bad words,I got this because of some persons who dont know how to behave!I know when calicul and I had argument,our posts were delited,so why in this example is different and this persons didnt get punishment?!
Joined: Aug '07
Location: Malta
Age: 42 (M)
Posts: 8339
Because it turned into a kindergarten.
You can create a new thread if you want, but don't reply to people trying to turn it into kindergarten. Ignore them, and report the posts instead. Also you shouldn't try to "spark a fire" the way you did, by suggesting "who" might have thumbed-down your post, when you know that it's a hot topic.