Joined: Feb '12
Location: Canada
Age: 64 (M)
Posts: 6036
... < ...It wasn't me who won it crank-dude,....somebody on the Canadian PartyPokerLive Facebook page actually won it.... I always wondered if anybody ACTUALLY has won one... Sure enough they really do,...and it was won by a Canadian...!!!
Joined: Jan '17
Location: Lithuania
Age: 66 (M)
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Of course they exist and of course not any people we know win them some guy like you say win but who he is not know maybe some guy from company, and wins to show that such prize is real. But who onow maybe some of us wins it too...
Joined: Mar '09
Location: Greece
Age: 47 (F)
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At first i thought you had won one, till i reached the "i wish" part Someone got lucky winning the top prize of the promotion. What will be the odds, for another canadian to win another one like that Just keep trying... You never know.
Joined: Feb '12
Location: Canada
Age: 64 (M)
Posts: 6036
... < ...Yes,...I was pranking the gang...but I wanted to post it up to show that in fact they are there, and could be won by any one of us...!
... < ...If you even so much as last long enough to make the money, would get a minimum of about $7,500 - $8,000....but then just IMAGINE if you went deep or even made the final table....WOW...!!!