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Phil Ivey Files Appeal to the $10 Million Verdict Once Again

It doesn't look like Phil Ivey's edge sorting case against Borgata casino would be put to rest any time soon. Once again Ivey asked the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit to overturn a $10.1 million verdict in a case involving him versus Borgata, a casino-hotel owned by MGM Resorts. On Friday, Phil Ivey along with his companion Cheung Yin "Kelly" Sun went to the Philadelphia fe[...]   Read more » Phil Ivey Files Appeal to the $10 Million Verdict Once Again

Phil Ivey Files Appeal to the $10 Million Verdict Once Again  0   
Yes already read some information about this story and also rwad that phil ivey not loke decide from court, so of course he and his lawyer try to do what they can to not gulive money ro casino, o think it os normal thing all people do in this situation

Let me understand that: this sentence is not final, but it allows this casino to collect these 10 millions of dollars. Incredible. If Phil Ivey wins at the end with Borgata Casino, i do not understand why the judge allows the transfer of a piece of money or even all. This process must reach to the end, and after that the result it will be known but the money does not have to be transfer now.

He doesnt quit from what it seems.
After so many verdicts against him, i really doubt the outcome would be different.I wonder who is paying the court expenses every time, cause it look he is gonna pay
once more, plus his lawyers.
It is gonna cost him way much more at the end, along with the money he has to return.

I really can't blame Phil Ivey for lodging another appeal and i would probably do the same in his shoes. I think he did nothing wrong and just found an edge and exploited it to his advantage

dont know how many times he can appeal and how long this whole process will take time,but on end somebody will lose and probably in this case will be phile ivey!he cant win on this and he will pay on end!its state low and its such a big amount and court will be on casino side!

Of that i wonder too. How many times can he appeal.
Here there are penalties, that you dont have the right to appeal.
The decision is final, no matter what.
Dont they have something like that over there too, to get it over with it, once and for all?

Posted by doubletop777:
I really can't blame Phil Ivey for lodging another appeal and i would probably do the same in his shoes. I think he did nothing wrong and just found an edge and exploited it to his advantage

Agree !! another reason why the casino permitted him play edge sorting ? I don't think Ivey just bet once amount 10 million. Is the casino didn't know the rule before ? lol. Why if Ivey lose ? could he sue the casino ? Judge Hilman wrote look ugly for me....or I misunderstand ?

The final decision can say everything. She can no longer be attacked with no appeal. I do not know how laws work in other countries but is not everywhere the same. Some countries have many ways to appeal and other countries not. In my country the law is done by the corrupt, and if you want to win important processes, you will have to go to the Court of Strasbourg. Sad We will see his situation of Phil Ivey and maybe we'll talk then about this.

I doubt he will manage to prolong this for too long.
He will be forced to pay at the end, and as i have said already he will be paying the expenses for every trial he is losing.
You think he doesnt have the money to repay ? I believe he does...

Phil Ivey will have to pay, if he loses this process. It is possible to pay the entire amount or perhaps it will be forgiven by the judge and will pay less than one million or two. Who knows in this moment? nobody of course and we will see. Anything is possible, if the judgment is correct.

Well there to see what rules he broke in because the judge says one thing and then says that if he broke a law of that state, a little tangled the matter and that's why Pjil Ivey presents another appeal we'll keep waiting to see what happens

I think he will lose this process because this technique of Phil Ivey it has also made him lose a definitive process with another casino Crockfords. There, he won 7.7 million British pound sterling and the casino remained with the money. The situation will be the same in this process because is hard to win when you cheating.

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