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BankrollMob Forum » Poker Forum » Good news for no native english language..

Good news for no native english language..  +1   
Hi, my friends recently, when I was browsing in Youtube looking for channels of poker, I saw a publicity of Grammarly and as unusual action, I downloaded and installed it. Grammarly is a FREE program that helps us to write fine in english and I recommend it. While you are writing it propose you the change for correct your orthography, punctuation and grammatical. I´m trying it and look so well! Blink
I think that this advise don´t break the rules of BRM, it isn´t it Mr. Administrator?

It needs a registration so i didnt test it.
When i want something translated i just use the google one.
Some times it misses by a lot in translation, but it is easy accessible and fast enough.
Online translators need to much work before becoming good ones.

Posted by Mober:
It needs a registration so i didnt test it.
When i want something translated i just use the google one.
Some times it misses by a lot in translation, but it is easy accessible and fast enough.
Online translators need to much work before becoming good ones.

I also use Google translator and it seems to me that this is a very convenient way to translate messages and websites .... and since I'm currently using Google Chrome, for me this is the most convenient way .... and third-party programs certainly can be better .. but for me the main thing is the ease of use

Thank you, maragatero, for letting us know about "Grammarly." I will be sure to check out their website.

Here are a few educational websites I would recommend to non-native English speakers:

Thank you Tony_MON7ANA you are ever in "collaborative mode" Blink And Mober, you don´t like registration in anywhere? The only risk is that they could send you an email, but you could mark it like spam and finished your problem. If you be afraid for bring to the net your data, I´m sorry for saying this losted yet lot of time in the past! Big Smile Grammarly works like Word`s corrector, it lights some words and (if you want) propose a change. Much easy that S3 or Google translator if you could build a phrase for yourself...

Not that i have a problem with registration, but my needs are getting covered by google.
Even if at some point i cant get a proper translation from languages,
other than english.
When i want to translate for example german, i do the translation in english and not in greek.
When i do try directly in greek the text many times doesnt make any sense Smile

the translator Google translates from virtually any language and so it seems to me today to Google translator is the best for working on the Internet ... of course maybe there are more interesting options but they assume what actions ... such as subscription or registration

I too use Google translate most, not.use.much translation but sometimes ehen hard to understand text or some technical information i not understand translation help me, but sometimes it translate not very good and even funny

Posted by maragatero:
Hi, my friends recently, when I was browsing in Youtube looking for channels of poker, I saw a publicity of Grammarly and as unusual action, I downloaded and installed it. Grammarly is a FREE program that helps us to write fine in english and I recommend it. While you are writing it propose you the change for correct your orthography, punctuation and grammatical. I'm trying it and look so well! Blink
I think that this advise don't break the rules of BRM, it isn't it Mr. Administrator?

thanks maragatero for having made this great contribution I in particular speak English quite well, and I have no problem at the time of reading a text in English but I have always had a lot of insecurity at the time of writing as I was never completely satisfied with the way to express myself, first time I use this tool and it seems very effective and I think my message is now clearer and more precise, thanks again and very good contribution

Thank you greatgame3, I`m happy to be useful! It really works if you can build a phrase and only have some details of grammar, punctuation or orthography. The mobers friends have the reason about the translation, this is not a translator. This program allows me to perfection my Tarzan´s english. Big Smile

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