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BankrollMob Forum » Poker Forum » Final Table Hype! Massive Chip Lead 1 of 5 * Edit Took it down !

Final Table Hype! Massive Chip Lead 1 of 5 * Edit Took it down !   +1   
Hey boys and girls it's your boy TheIrish77 and hope all is well here in forumland today and all my mates are doing really well.

Just Managed to get to a small buy-in final table and by small i mean really small. 0.44 cents lol. I'll take a win as i haven't been playing all that much lately and looking to get back into it quickly but BR is lacking after big withdrawal.

Cruising at this point hope to take it all down.

Winner Winner Chicken dinner! That's right your boy TheIrish77 is back in the win column and couldn't care less about the small payout. just feels good to win again and gert some much needed confidence .

Took a shot final hand and hit against favourite preflop. Me 76 Diamonds vs A5os and flop a open ender against 2 pair and turned the 8 for straight and the W!

Just over 13$ for a 44 cent investment equal to a 30 buy-in win ! I'll take that everytime.

Wil lbe playing later and hopefully some more glory!

Edited by TheIrish77 (02 October 2018 @ 19:37 GMT)

Attached ImagesANOTHER VICTORY SMALL BUT A WIN.PNG winner hand 76 dimaonds all in pre vs A5 hit straight on turn he had 2 pair A5.PNG

Congratulations. You again achieved a good result. In the first place, this is of course a wonderful result and share on the forum. I am also very pleased to do so when I achieve some success. I wish you good luck in future games and I hope to see more significant gains later.

Another victory in your poker history. It was a small tournament indeed,
but a first place is a first place. Plus the gain for it it was a very nice one for the money you
invested Smile
Congratulations again, with many more to follow and even higher pay outs Smile Thumbs Up

My sincere congratulations to TheIrish77 for topping a field of 86 players to win the $0.44 buy-in $50 guaranteed tournament. $13.28 is not a lot money, of course, but it is actually equal to 30 tournament buy-ins! Good luck with your next session.

Congrats my friend I told you a win was coming soon Smile just keep it mate.

BankrollMob Forum » Poker Forum » Final Table Hype! Massive Chip Lead 1 of 5 * Edit Took it down !

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