Doyle Brunson shall be the main feature of Poker After Dark's "Godfather Week" and he will be playing two special high-stakes mixed game sessions right inside Bobby's Room at the Bellagio in October 23 and 24.
The octogenarian legend who also goes by the nickname Texas Dolly shall be joined at the all-star table by Dan "Jungleman" Cates, Gus Hansen, and other players who regularly play at Bobby[...] Read more » Doyle Brunson as Main Feature in ‘Poker After Dark' Mixed Game Action in Bobby's Room
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"Octogenarian" huh? They couldnt say he is just old? He has quit playing tournaments, but we have seen he si still chasing ring games. So i dont see why all the fuss, and the decision to quit the tournaments. Maybe they are more tiring for his age, since you can quit a ring game whenever you like.
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This looks like it is going to be an epic couple of sessions of poker and i will definitely be watching this. Just to see Doyle Brunson again will be exciting and i hope that he can come out with a big score
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It's great that this Doyle Brunson loves poker too much at an advanced age. To be octogenary and have the ambition to play poker whenever he has the opportunity is very good. He does not have many hobbies and playing with other well-known names in poker industry. Unfortunately, the Bobby Room has remained without the original because was dismissed. For fans of Doyle Brunson should look at these special sessions because they will not see much live poker in the future with their idol.
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bowie1984 you are absolutely right!this new generation dont know anymore what is razor and brunson show them what is class!thats why he will take them all money! and what to say about buy in,this is just small amount for them!would be nice to have this moment in life when you can buy place for 50000 $ and not regret if you lose them!
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Yes very interesting to see this both nights of course not all hands but best situations and how such good players play this hands. I think it is very hard to doyle brunson to win something because many younger guys who play very aggressive
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the truth is incredible that Doyle Brunso in this event and I call my attention this "Godfather Week" hahaha apart from telling him The legend octogenarian xDD but good today they spread with everything and what else sells is that hahaha
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Doyle Brunson when he hears about poker, he feels just like Al Pacino with his much younger girlfriend. The happiness of relaxing playing poker is for him a way of life. He played poker for decades and it's very hard to quit poker for the rest of his life. This old man is an poker monument. Doyle Brunson deserves much respect for his effort.
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I think Doyle Brunson is a person who did not abuse of his life. He knew how to eat, what to eat, drink and he did not enjoy other miseries, especially drugs. Because of this he has reached a beautiful age and he can move very good with pleasure when playing poker. He loves this game too much.
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I dont know about the rest, but when it comes to how to eat and what to eat, i doubt it. You just need a glance to understand he is overweight. Is this the way that people look, when they know how and what to eat? So how do you call the ones that are not overweight? Starving?
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This thing it does not matter too much. You can be overweight, even if you eat well ( without poison ). You think you'll get octogenary with chemicals? and to be in good health including mentally? I'm sure you can not to do this. Stomach if it is fed properly without irritating food, he offers health for whole body.
BankrollMob Forum » News » Doyle Brunson as Main Feature in ‘Poker After Dark' Mixed Game Action in Bobby's Room