Guys, I'm so missing our poker races (leaderboards). When we played for around three months each other every week and fought for the first places. Why is there no more? Maybe because there were few participants. I am ready to invite friends and acquaintances, if there is a new race. Or what need to do? Only write it.
Just give me and other opportunity to once again experience emotions and pleasure of perseverance and victories! Let's create the new race, mb need some change race structure and all 'll good. Let's discuss who interested, how it would be possible to make the race more interesting.
Joined: May '09
Location: Croatia
Age: 39 (M)
Posts: 22923
Hi Axelerators!there is not more this kind of leaderboards!maybe there will be in future,but for now there are only freerolls on few poker sites!probably we dont have leaderboards,because you need sponsor for something like that and its hard to find somebody for it!