Partypoker’s CPP $50,000 SHR won by Giuseppe Iadisernia for $845,000
Venezuelan native Giuseppe Iadisernia bested a field of 54 players and emerged as the winner of partypoker’s Caribbean Poker Party $50,000 Super High Roller for a whopping $845,000!
Giuseppe Iadisernia managed to defeat Sean Winter in a grueling heads-up match to win partypoker’s 2018 Caribbean Poker Party $[...] Read more » Partypoker’s CPP $50,000 SHR won by Giuseppe Iadisernia for $845,000
Joined: Mar '09
Location: Greece
Age: 47 (F)
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And here we see a tournament, with double the buy in at 50k USD, and yet the prize was more than a half less. Risking more here, to get less. But for the winner it really worth it. Did also a new record from his previous high at 190k USD
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Age: 55 (M)
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These Super High Roller tournaments are devilishly difficult to win and a massive congratulations goes out to Giuseepe for winning this mighty event. The list of players he beat to win this is frightening
54 players This is of course not very much .... but if everyone is put on $ 50,000 .... Then they don’t play like devils .... and then you need to defeat the devil's luck and incredible skill of the game .... My congratulations to this player from Venezuela ..... with a wonderful prize of almost a million dollars
Joined: Jan '14
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When you think as in Venezuela is a cruel poverty, you can say that this money is a real fortune in that country. He could earn a lower amount if Sean Winter accepted deal but Sean was confident that he will win 1st place. In the end he could only finish second position and lost a nice sum of money. Congratulations for Giuseppe Iadisernia and the rest of players of final table.
Joined: Mar '18
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Congrats SHR for the winning huge amount of money. party poker is the largest and popular platform all over the world to play poker and win. i love to play CPP Giuseppe Iadisernia, but last few days i am not regular on party poker for busy schedule of my work. hope i will come back soon.
Joined: Jan '17
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Yes i too think 54 players is not very many people, this is something like 6 tables sit and go and not a real mtt tournament. Of course very big buyin and from this big prize money for 1st ppace finish, not far from one million of dollars
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My most sincere congratulations to Giuseppe Iadisernia, who topped a field of 54 entrants to win the $50,000 buy-in SHR event. This is truly impressive. I wonder what US$845,000 can buy in his home country. I wish him the best of luck in all his future endeavors.
BankrollMob Forum » News » Partypoker’s CPP $50,000 SHR won by Giuseppe Iadisernia for $845,000