Joined: Nov '11
Location: Poland
Age: 38 (M)
Posts: 1090
Posted by jessthehuman: The mob safe used to go a lot higher, more often. I don't know if that situation has come around again. But I know around 'calendar time' - with so many people winning safe shots, it often doesn't climb.
There used to be higher winnings on MobSafe - you're right. But you must notice, that there are much more members now than it was in 2011, when you won $90. It's very simple to check it by ID - you registered in Mar'09 and have id no = 97727, so we may suppose, that there were 97 thousands of members here. I registered in Nov'11 and I have number 322489, so 3 times more members. And now I see, that the members Max registered 2 months ago, and he has id no = 624855, so 6 times more members is now, than in 2009 This is the reason I think
EDIT: I saw that the member schwabo cracked MobSafe few days ago for the 10th time! He is so lucky bastard
Joined: Apr '09
Location: Australia
Age: 40 (M)
Posts: 6483
Posted by Mysik86:
Posted by jessthehuman: The mob safe used to go a lot higher, more often. I don't know if that situation has come around again. But I know around 'calendar time' - with so many people winning safe shots, it often doesn't climb.
There used to be higher winnings on MobSafe - you're right. But you must notice, that there are much more members now than it was in 2011, when you won $90. It's very simple to check it by ID - you registered in Mar'09 and have id no = 97727, so we may suppose, that there were 97 thousands of members here. I registered in Nov'11 and I have number 322489, so 3 times more members. And now I see, that the members Max registered 2 months ago, and he has id no = 624855, so 6 times more members is now, than in 2009 This is the reason I think
EDIT: I saw that the member schwabo cracked MobSafe few days ago for the 10th time! He is so lucky bastard
LOL yeah - as you say, less people in those days, so higher winnings and also less regs actually playing the game meant you had some amazing runs where the same person would crack it multiple times in a short period (not all too often, but as you pointed out, it happened).
However- the larger membership -- while definitely by far the biggest factor as you correctly pointed out, isn't the *only* reason the prizes used to be higher:
The other major factor IMHO is two-fold: They introduced more games, in particular first the Chrimstmas calenday - but that in turn evolved into other additional games at other times in the year and just more things in general that allowed you to win mob points. And two-fold because while all this additional promotions were going on, the general BRM PR campaign was revved up - so emails about the new ways to win points, plus if people logged on to play the calendar, they woul ALSO use their free safe shot. Whereas - when the "population" lol was small, it was mostly the 'forum regulars' who actually bothered to use their daily mob safe shots. Statistics DEFINITELY indicated there WERE certainly a bunch of people who basically had no or close to no forum activity at all, but clearly logged on daily, or as frequently as possible, to use up all their freebies.
However - since posting on the forum earns you points which can be used as safe shots, it encouraged people who were really into logging in frequently to play the free shot, to also participate in the forums (very early on a script was implemented to stop rewarding spammers posting super short and/or nonsense posts. And yes, for a brief period that DID happen because OF COURSE IT DID BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE ASSHOLES).
But yeah, I think that is the other *significant* factor in so many more people playing the mob game - including the safe obviously - not only in the membership as a whole higher, but a think there's more 'active' members relatively speaking too. Thanks to a ramp-up of not just affiliate links that you can click through to with no real site interaction, they started to strategies in ways that encourage actual site participation; freeroll tournement seasons, tracked. I dunno if it still happens, be we organised a few semi-official BRM freerolls (and not freerolls IIRC) through here as well - used to have a bit of fun. And in particular, try and find creative ways to avoid trolls password sharing into our freerolls, so on the forums like for example we once created a Heads Up forum tournament and all the brackets were set up here on the forum, so there was no way outsiders on password sharing sites could cut-in on our action.