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today I log in neteller and saw message: "NOTICE: There are no available bank withdrawal options in your country. You can spend your funds at a merchant website or transfer money to a NETELLER account. Apologies for any inconvenience."
now I am phucked... there is no other way to withdraw money from poker site in my country, and now this one is also dead end... dont know what shall I do... I have only one solution for now, and dont know if someone would bother that much for me, and that is to find friend from croatia or montenegro, to open neteller/skrill account, to link it with their bank, request master card, and when recive it to lend it to me... thats only thing I can think of...
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Cant transfer winnings to a friends acount and have them etransfer it to you? Were definitly using differnt currencies but maybe someone a little closer?
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ok to have account at skrill and then to transfer money to him,but why should somebody ask for master card and to invest in that?isnt easier that somebody just transfer money on visa card or bank account and then to pick up money and to give it to you?
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Posted by dule-vu: ok to have account at skrill and then to transfer money to him,but why should somebody ask for master card and to invest in that?isnt easier that somebody just transfer money on visa card or bank account and then to pick up money and to give it to you?
It seems you didnt understand me... person will open neteller/skrill account, and just give it to me...because I can use neteller mastercard here... I can pay with it at shops, I can withdraw money from ITM... if the card is from Croatia or Montenegro... you understand now?
Posted by dule-vu: ok to have account at skrill and then to transfer money to him,but why should somebody ask for master card and to invest in that?isnt easier that somebody just transfer money on visa card or bank account and then to pick up money and to give it to you?
if you have croatian citizenship maybe you can help me out... add me on FB (Nikola Minovic)... If I cannot find solution, maybe you could open new debit bank account on your name, open neteller ( I would give you mail adress that you will use to open account) link with that bank account neteller account, and request card... I would pay you all fees and give you some extra $$$ for effort
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I see in first post that you say to find somebody to open skrill,to link with their bank and to request master card,so thats why I thought that you think on other person! I have everything,visa debit card,net banking in my bank,so I can to every option!I dont have FB!you can always come in Vukovar,its close to Sid or me to come there or whatever!
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StheP Napisacu ovaj post na srpskom da se ne bih smarao tj da me bolje razumes. Neznam sta su ti konkretno rekli ali meni su sa netlera jos pre godinu dana rekli to isto sto i tebi sada ali su mi isto to rekli prosle godine u ovo vreme u inteza banci vise nemogu da primam uplate u dolarima nego samo u evrima.Znaci ako mi je nalog na netleru u dolarima onda sam ispusio a ako je u evrima onda je ok. meni je skril u evrima a netler u dolarima i na banku dizem sa skrila a netler koristim za pokere samo da prebacujem pare
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Posted by ivanjkp: StheP Napisacu ovaj post na srpskom da se ne bih smarao tj da me bolje razumes. Neznam sta su ti konkretno rekli ali meni su sa netlera jos pre godinu dana rekli to isto sto i tebi sada ali su mi isto to rekli prosle godine u ovo vreme u inteza banci vise nemogu da primam uplate u dolarima nego samo u evrima.Znaci ako mi je nalog na netleru u dolarima onda sam ispusio a ako je u evrima onda je ok. meni je skril u evrima a netler u dolarima i na banku dizem sa skrila a netler koristim za pokere samo da prebacujem pare
razumem ja to... al ovo je novo... pre su ti poslali da ukidaju njihove mastercard kartice za sve zemlje koje nisu clanice SEPA-e... malo posle toga ukinuli su uplate sa netellera za sajtove za kladjenje... mada ja i ne koristim neteller za uplate nego samo za podizanje para, koje sam mogao do juce... sad ne mogu ni to, a skrill ce da ukine takodje veoma brzo... zato sto su skrill i neteller povezani...isto kao sto su ukinuli kartice...nema veze dal je u evrima, dal je u dolarima ili u dinarima...mogu ja da konvertujem dolare u evre na netelleru, ili neteller da napravim da mi bude u evrima... opet necu moci da podizem pare...
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Posted by StheP: [QUOTE]Posted by dule-vu: person will open neteller/skrill account, and just give it to me...
let me understand this. you expcet somseone to open a bank account and then handle it over to you with all his informations includig a credit card which you can use..? are you from nigeria connection or something? lol
dont get me wrong.. you never know, but for some reason i really dont think your a scamer, yet you expect too much in my opinion. thats something i wouldnt do for the best friend of mine who i know for over 30 years.
if you have someone you can trust... send him the money (bit by bit) and he will send you the money per western union or something?
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Sorry for non english, but we speak on our language because its easier to understand each other, and I realy need some help.
Posted by T3ddyKGB:
Posted by StheP: [QUOTE]Posted by dule-vu: person will open neteller/skrill account, and just give it to me...
let me understand this. you expcet somseone to open a bank account and then handle it over to you with all his informations includig a credit card which you can use..? are you from nigeria connection or something? lol
dont get me wrong.. you never know, but for some reason i really dont think your a scamer, yet you expect too much in my opinion. thats something i wouldnt do for the best friend of mine who i know over 30 years.
if you have someone you can trust... send him the money (bit by bit) and he will send you the money per western union or something?
what about skrill or other online bank accounts?
yeah thats the problem...but I dont think Ill have any info of him or his account from neteller... he will open new bank account which will be empty... just because it needs to be connected with neteller... and thats it... he will have to approve his identity on neteller by sending them personal ID and bank report from that bank that he will open that account, and thats it...But you are right... Ill have to find someone that have trust in me... I have neighbour that is from Montenegro (but I dont know if she have their citizenship) if she do have shell probably do it for me... if not Ill have to find someone from Croatia... I have couple of friends, and Ill see if someone will step up for me
------------ and skrill for now still can withdraw to Serbia... but its just matter of days when they will cancel also... because skrill and neteller are basicaly same company... and no other withdraw option exist for my country...
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I understand your situation, regrettably, in Argentina we live this all the times since...always! I know that this is terrible because it is sudden and you need a solution now. Hopefully, someone with a good idea will the middle time, if you don´t need that money for living (what would be dramatic) you may request poker´s room about bank withdrawal. In a while, I'm sure that human ingenuity will overcome this obstacle. GL!
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Posted by Tony_MON7ANA: Can you use your Neteller Mastercard to buy Amazon gift cards and sell them at a reduced rate online?
nope....neteller mastercards isnt in function for like 2 years in all non SEPA countries...
------------ hey... there is one more option... neteller have crypto option now... I can transfer my $$$ to bitcoin, and than sell bitcoins direct on my bank acc
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Posted by StheP: nope....neteller mastercards isnt in function for like 2 years in all non SEPA countries...
I also have been having a problem converting my winnings into cash lately. Virtually all the online payment processing companies have exited the Japanese market, and a majority of Japanese banks downright refuse international wire transfers from gambling-related entities.
Posted by StheP: hey... there is one more option... neteller have crypto option now... I can transfer my $$$ to bitcoin, and than sell bitcoins direct on my bank acc
That's a good idea.
Edited by Tony_MON7ANA (21 December 2018 @ 15:30 GMT)
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dont get me wrong,but who would open account,card and everything on his name and then to give master card,pin and everything that you use it in other country?I dont say that you will make some scam,but everything will come on address of owner,not on you! I gave you solution,I can do it everything for you and give you cash!you can come here or we can meet on some place between!
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A problem that creates a lot of discomfort for you. I have another problem. The main sports betting house where i bet, allows accepted deposit with Skrill, Neteller or Visa Electron, but when i want to make withdraw, they forcing me to make an online request and to tell the agency where i want to withdraw my money. Incredible. I deposit with the card but i have to withdraw from the agency because there is no other solution.
in the poker room gray Snow there are three ways to make a deposit .... 2 of them do not work at all Russia .... and the third is a neteller ..... but I don’t know if neteller is working in Russia now .... because it was information that maybe they will cease operations in Russia .... Then it is very sad .... how can I make deposits and withdraw money in gray snow .... it is not clear