Canadian poker pro Gavin Smith, who possesses a pleasant, friendly and energetic personality and is highly popular especially during the poker boom era, has passed away unexpectedly whilst sleeping on Monday, January 14. The cause of death is still unknown. He was 50 years old.
Most of the poker fans during the poker boom era will definitely recall Gavin Smith as a regular player on TV poker sh[...] Read more » Poker Pro Gavin Smith Passes Away at 50
Joined: Mar '11
Location: United Kingdom
Age: 55 (M)
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I was absolutely gutted to read about this and many many condolences to his family and friends. He was always a larger than life character on screen and seemed to get on with everyone. RIP Gavin
Joined: Jan '14
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Age: 45 (M)
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It is a very sad news for Gavin Smith friends, for his poker fans and for the rest of poker community. His children remained without father and here did not say anything about their natural or step-mother. That's not good at all. I hope he has some brother or sister to be a parent for these children. R.I.P. Gavin Smith
Joined: Jul '10
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Age: 44 (M)
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what a pity a great loss to the world of poker because he was a very cheerful and wanted by all people always good humor and cheerful taking poker to all the places and fasendo what has to be faser in the world of poker have fun and faser friends who rest in peace
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It is situation can be to anyone because we all can die any day and it is sad to think about this but it is reality. Of course 50 years it maybe too small because average you can hope to good chance is 60 years and then later just bonus from god
Joined: Jul '10
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many sensations arise from this great player who has accumulated great prizes and money in his career in poker more than prenio and money if you mitidamente what you won of greater tessouro was the friends mum world that always and is managed by interests of money because they are great sums when you win and even so he made real friends and just look at the photos all authentic and with happiness and smile is not the act that lived sleeping was painless because it should be a person of very well rest in peace GAVIN SMITH
So sad to hear that a person pass away at such age, 50 is still young for it and I remember that Gavin was such a good player and a superb showman for TV as he was very entertaining. Big loss to the poker world. RIP.
Joined: Feb '11
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Sad sad news. It’s always sad when someone you know, even remotely, passes away and even more so at such a relatively young age. This just goes to show that we must never take life for granted and seek to enjoy every single second that God allows us in this life. I’m sure Gavin would want us t remember the good aspects of his life that he brought to us so rejoice the Life he had rather than feel sad for our own loss.