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Hi, recently I began to play SnGs in 888poker, and in almost four months I was studying too more than the last eight years (I didn´t study in the past). I choose this modality because I think it has a good duration of time (30/50 minutes), an acceptable variance (more than cash, less than tourney) and good traffic for my low multitable (never more than 4T). I started with a Poker Tracker 4 that I bought here and now I´m asking for other software for think in a buy. Anyone play sits and knows Holdem Resources Calculator, and Tournament Shark? Do anybody knows and recommended anyone? Thank and regards!
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There are some very interesting tutorials about these programs and you can see these movies directly on youtube. You can buy Tournament Shark directly with Skrill and for this you will need to look for the best price option. About Holdem Resources Calculator i saw here on Google a price of 19 dollars and 99 cents but it is the best for you to search carefully. Tutorials will teach you how good it is with these legal programs.
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Thank you CALICUL! I`m going to see these videos on Youtube. The matter with these software (and others like SNGWizard, Hand2Note, etc) is that you only can pay for a lapse of time to use. You couldn´t buy this program, you never will be the proprietary. And I want to know which of them is the better in each kind: tracker, hand revision, HUD, etc
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What a low traffic in the thread about Sit and Go! Does nobody play it? All the mobsters play cash or tournaments only? I feel lonely here. Maybe that I have to change my selection of game. I chose this because it has less variance than the tourney and I an have some training in his kind of move. I like the MTTs but I would need 150/200 BI for a good bankroll manage
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There was a time when there were a lot of players in these Sit And Go games. These players had a great pleasure to play these games but with the passing of time this thing was broken. Now there are not many players because these games are more of training in my opinion. You study in Sit And Go Games and you develop your abilities in tournaments and cash.
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Yes, this is my idea, although in the tournaments you have to play more loose. MTTs are a specialty by itself! I think that the SnGs lost a lot of recreational and, then, regulars players when the Spins appeared. This mix between ultra short table and lottery have now the biggest traffic. I play there a bit, with some free tickets that a poker`s room gave me, and I don´t like it!
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"Are you sure you really want to bring this thread back to the frontpage? Consider what it is you have to say,..." Yes I sure because I never could have the answer that I was looking for, and I don´t know why...If I chat about personal`s issues or some matters about the operating system, BRM shut off the thread, and when I make one poker question nobody interest on it
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Well definitively is true, nobody interesting in chat about the sit and go`s software, what a shame! I really need to know something about it, before to buy someone of them. They have a big cost to my pocket so I was trying to do and smart buy. I think that I will try the trial version of SNGWizard to see it....and I go to abandoned this thread
I’ll tell you once again. I don’t use poker software .... It seems to me that this doesn’t really improve my game ... I’m currently playing just intuitively .... if earlier I thought it was a chance, now this calculation happens automatically and bets are made automatically too ... such things
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Thanks for your answer pajalnick! You can see that this is a bleak thread, so your words are highly valued I understand your saying, in fact, I always play in that way, automatically. But when I started to try to learn about the game, the possibility of tracking the moves to study my weakness and having a HUD to have stats of the villains was a good discovery
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I saw the Holdem Resources Calculator recently being demonstrated and it looks like a very useful piece of software...however, it does rely to some extent on assumptions, which is great to review hands that you played and to try and optimise future play in similar situations. I agree to some extent with Palajnic....... after some time using such software, you get to understand the game better and can make those assumptions and calculation automatically in your head! Takes some work though!
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Thank for your answer damosk! Yes Holdem Resources Calculator seems like the better software to study my playing. It has a calculating of the future play that is awesome, where (taking the implicit odds) you can refine your move. The only matter with this great software is that I´m not used to "rent" a soft. You pay (big money for me) to have it only 6, 12, or 18 month
I tried the free version of various poker softwares .... but none of them interested me very much ... Maybe because I didn’t understand these programs at all .... After all, they are in English and I’m not very English I understand well ... if this software were in Russian Perhaps I would change my mind
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If you want to play at multiple tables in the same time, the first time you need to be interested if that poker room accepts a program, which helps you to make moves. I know these moves are made from the keyboard but i think exist few programs to move faster. I think Pokerstars does not accept programs.
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Step by step my friends...pajalnick, is true that almost all of the software (I don´t know all) are in English. But you are writing here, so you can translate, with enough patient, all that you want to do. The basic software that I know allow you to track your own plays and you can study these. Then a HUD to have stats of your opponents. These things don´t need more translation, only the setting moment...
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Step by step my friend but sometimes you have to hurry a bit so you do not miss the train... If you go with the speed of the snail, there is the possibility that you do not succeed too many good things. You need to get more involved and better understand, what you want to do.
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Ha, ha, ha...don´t you know the fable of the turtle and the hare? You don´t win anything with the speed, only arrive first to your own funeral I know exactly what I want on the poker game, and I get it! I improve my bankroll in $ 700 in the last year, I played four or five times the number of tourneys that I used to play and I learned a lot of poker`s theory!
Maybe if I started using poker software a few years ago .... then yes ..... I probably used it ..... but now that I used to play without using any additional software .... by manual only by my own thoughts and memory .... I think I don’t want to try poker software again ... more than other cases
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I did not say to go with super sonic speed or the speed of light. I just said to hurry a bit. Push in the next gear because at this moment you are moving slowly. It's good if you find a software that you like and i hope to be useful for you. You need this.
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The only reason to have/buy a poker`s software is to improve your playing. If you are fine in a recreational mode you don´t need to make a hard experience in the tables. No matter how good is your playing now, always you can improve it. We always have some leaks and weakness to discover and fix it
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These leaks of weakness can be avoided if we use brain capacity at 15% -17%. In this case we are world champions in poker and in other areas. We would have big money and we would only play live poker because in online poker the soft decides the most ( You can not avoid the situations of all in pre-flop ). In this way you will not need any software to play SnGs.