Joined: Jan '19
Location: New Zealand
Age: 44 (M)
Posts: 14
hi all i have developed 20+ new variations of poker which i would like to introduce to the internet trouble is i need a software developer and or poker site to merge these ideas into. i am sure it will be very beneficial to all parties involved i just am not sure where to go from here. i mean i came across 1 developer who would invest 2k but its going to cost about 50k to launch this idea entirely after patents are put in place to ensure we are the only ones that can run high powered live events and tournaments in general. any help would be greatly appreciated
Joined: Oct '16
Location: Argentina
Age: 70 (M)
Posts: 2597
what a promising business ... and for just 48k (dollars certainly?)! And what a breakthrough in your level of knowledge about the game of poker. I remember that you recently asked about the pairs of nines, if they seemed as fortunate as you. A remarkable journey! I think you would have to contact Poker Stars or Party Poker directly and not divulge these initiatives. Maybe people start thinking millionaire ideas and take the originality away from yours! Good luck!