Joined: Jan '19
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i have played about 10000 hands of poker this week (maybe more) and i noted that pocket 9s seem to win more than any other hand and that is spread across multiple sites as well
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Starting hands is only 1 factor ... it also depends how a hand is played and how many (6 or 9 table) and what kind of oppnents you face at the table. For me there s only 1 way to play with pocket 9 s ... try to see the flop as cheap as possible and then hit or fold. (the more players involved in the pot.. the better. So it s a small loss if you have to fold or mostly a big win if you make a set.
I am not getting excited when I see small pocket pairs .. they have potential if they make a set... otherwise they actually worthless.
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The day you saw pocket 9s is winning card cause of that's 'lucky' day of 99 Next few days will change, is possible 99 will loser card whole day. Just don't let your mind focus to the opinion, no absolute in poker
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Joining my classmates, I think that you have to be focus in your playing and discard the patterns. Patterns are a trap of our minds and don´t have a place in this game. As thefly said, a pocket pair has a way of be played related with the kind of the game (cash, SnGs, MTTs), the stage of the game, the board, the position, the villains, the recent history in the table. Pocket nines might be a fortune or a ruin
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Haha yeah pocket 99 are almost like the aces. 10k sample is too smale to get to some serious conclusions. Its just that you run very well with that pair. I had periods when i floped 80 percent sets with 44 and so on. But that is on shot term. Never look just for short term and be result oriented, always think if you will win if you make that move like 1k