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these tournaments were held on Sunday, so now you don’t need to search for them for some time .... Open the 888 Poker Poker client Sunday and you will see several free tournaments for $ 2000 .... Good luck in the game .... of course there you will not earn but still nice to play

There are days when you win and days when you do not win but the most important thing it's the fact that we can accumulate a small stack with these freerolls games and we can play more games. In the end, everything that matters is, if you won or not. Smile

What happens to the new freerolls of springtime? I lost it, what a shame... Sad I thought that these were restricted tournament and I didn`t try to open it. Today I played all my olds tickets ($3000, XLBlizard, Blast $ 0,10 and $500 for up a level) and I won..cha..chan..cha..chan $ 0,15! What a treasure! I`m needing security to this Big Smile

You do not read everything what i told you about the Springtime freerolls or calendar thread. The same with my comments and tips in other posts. You are stubborn and you say that you understand but you do not do what i said in some tips. All spring freerolls were to meet with this season. They were not for several weeks. You must take advantage of them on time. If you do not pay attention to the lobby you lose them.

I used to constantly play for free in tournaments for the fifth level and for level 10 .... but now I stopped playing in tournaments .... Probably because there is very little money from the prize fund ... and it became completely uninteresting for me to play for a few cents. .. for the fifth level in general, some ridiculous prizes

The richest may do all that they want... Big Smile Seriously I stoped to play it sistematically. I only play it if I`m in my computer in this schedule and I didn`t play anything before. I really want to mahe all the points that I need to level 40th and 50th, because I could play without any problem in their schedule. But I`m playing too little Sad

You have to try to play a few 50 cents tournaments, maybe you will win a little more and after that to play cash. If you play only 10 cents SNGs then you will arrive at level 50 in 2-3 years. I hope you will be lucky in a freeroll to gain something and to play more cash or tournaments and to increase your levels. Good luck. Blink

Hello! I'm here again after a long time. I hope to post more often.
I have problems playing through 888poker, does that happen to someone else?
Maybe it's because everything is blocked from Uruguay, but since I already have it installed I did not think there was a problem.
If anyone has the download link of the software, it is appreciated.

Today I played for a few cents in 888 casinos so that on Saturday I could take part in a free tournament for 1000 dollars .... once for some reason it did not work .... I hope it was because there were problems with the software .... wait for the Sabbath Worship

ligador37 welcome! the problems with the 888poker client are in all the countries, be calm. I think that they didn´t beat the hacker attack in the near past. Also, they improve their poker client with a new version and some set of the operating system has problems with that. pajalnick, the wheel of fortune gave me a free play of $5, don´t you want? Big Smile (I don´t play it)

After few days without luck when i tried my luck at wheel of fortune, yesterday and today i won 2 tickets of $3000 freeroll. I hope to win something because this kind of games i really like even even if the blinds are at 3 minutes. I played in a few tournaments and the software is generous with the cards than other tournaments.

hello my friends and fellow mobsters
Glad for you all because you can choose what and where you can play poker because me i`m just stuck to Pokerstars and I really miss playing in other rooms Aww crap! Aww crap!
888 was a place thay I used to be happy

I'm sorry because you can not to play in 888 poker due to country restrictions but maybe the things will be change in the future. Last night, i received in my account a $ 3,000 freeroll ticket and today the ticket disappeared. It's a weird thing, and if i do not get that ticket i will send an email to 888. Confused

I´m sorry for all the restrictions that some countries make to their players. Hopefully that not happen in my country. I think that at least for this electoral year I can´t happen. CALICUL what a piece of sad news is when you see that a ticket has expired! You have to see next time in the "Rewards" menu when it may happen Blink

today was Saturday and there were a lot of freerolls ... level 40 ... level 50 .... casino freeroll .... but due to the fact that the time of these tournaments was one hour earlier and I forgot it and eventually missed these tournaments .... A little pity .... maybe I could win something interesting Aww crap!

I won 40 cents for level 40 and same for level 50 but this is not important. It is very good if you can to win more and after that in more important tournaments, to do something good. In the last months with freeroll games i did not win anything nice with the exception of freerolls promotions.

Oh my friends, you depress me! I was expecting to arrive to the 40th level (and then to 50th level) because they are big freerolls with great prizes, but your results week by week are disappointing, and I think that I may be a worst player than you. It`s sad news because that tournament has a good schedule for my weekend time Sad

The thing is that a tournament of level 40 or level 50 or level 60 is almost the same ... but maybe in smaller free tournaments more people go all-in .... but still they are very similar ... they also increase quickly the blinds ... the decision must be made instantly

In these tournaments it's hard to win because they have the blinds at 3 minutes for level 40 and 50. Level 60 and 80 it's better because it has with 6 minutes. Level 100 with 8 minutes. You have more time, then you have more chances. You have no time, then the software decides in majority. Smile

Oh CALICUL and the conspiracy of the poker´s room! About the time to change the blinds, all the previous freerolls tournaments in the 888Poker Club (+5, +10, +20 +30) that I play, has the same time, three minutes. And I used to play this super turbo mode. It´s no problem for me. But why you didn´t win more than a few cents?

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